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In a dark room was a pot-bellied man tied to a metal chair with sharp edges such that if he attempts to escape, he'll hurt himself instead. A resounding slap and splashes of cold water woke him up from his state of slumber in a dishevelled manner. The man looked at the person in front of him, he could hear her ragged breathing even though she was standing a few inches away from him.

"Y-your highness?" He wondered, not knowing that he said that aloud. The man was still in a trance accompanied by an excessive headache, when he looked at the droplets of blood on his nearly shirtless body, the events came rushing back like an avalanche.

Rumaisa's pissed face gave him a disdainful look, one that will make you feel so afraid that you wish you were dead instead. She spent a good five minutes without speaking, not even a blink from her which made him think he was imagining things.

"Your highness my foot. How dare you?" She used her leg to push the chair to the ground which landed on the floor with a thud, making him groan in pain due to a cut on his back. Ex-Major General Rumaisa Muhammad Baghdad tackled him to the ground with uncontrollable punches, and kicks and even went as far as smashing the injured place on his head to the chair.

"P-please forgive--" Before he could finish his statement, she punched him hard on the face and then another, followed by another one before he could process everything. She has never been this furious in her life, at this rate, she's even fiercer than a lioness. Rumaisa couldn't feel her body anymore, it was filled with overwhelming sadism that would scare everyone who knows the emotionless side of her.

It wasn't until the door was opened by a smart lock and her grandsons dragged her out that she finally regained her senses. Even with that, she wanted to go back but the two guys squeezed her small body into their sinewy arms, leaving her with no room to protest.

"How can he touch my granddaughter like that? You know how much love I have for that girl since she was given birth to, you know how precious she is to me and how I took her in my care whenever her mother was hurting. Allow me to kill him, I want to feed him to the dogs, I want to kill him with my bare hands, allow me!" She burst into full-blown tears after her little speech, something that the Ex-Major General never does till she has reached the climax of her rage which means one thing.

Now, they have to keep their eyes not only on their brother but also on their grandmother, if not, one of them will be held responsible for cold-blood murder before midnight. Both the grandmother and grandson have terrible tempers that everyone is afraid of, hers is combined with the military kind of brutality that she so badly wants to use on that man.

"Calm down Gran, he'll be brought to justice. That's a promise by me, for now, please don't act in a fit of rage, she's our sister too and for that, he has committed a grave offence which he must be punished for." Junaid pecked her forehead and hugged her to him again, one would think they are a couple when in reality, she's almost three times as old as him!

"I'm going to cut his internal organs and together, we'll feed him to the dogs, I'm not kidding. Gran, you need to rest now or your blood pressure will rise which we don't want. Please let the guards take you to your chamber Gran, we'll handle him." Turad comforted and warmly embraced her, she reluctantly nodded and they escorted her to the gate of the royal dungeon where many guards were dispersed, they squeezed her hands and sat her down in the car before going back in after making sure the procession has left.

Back in the room, three well-built men surrounded the man, their figures hovering over him. They watched as he let out low painful groans, Jamal's knuckles have long turned white, and his eyes, just like the others, were red. They were waiting for the perfect moment to attack, Turad and Junaid were taking too long.

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