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She leaned forward and peeked at the red room where a lady was moaning in pleasure, her shouts filled the air, making the intruder spit in disgust. Behind her were five bouncers, all with their guns in hand, just like her, they were getting ready for the perfect moment to attack.

When the moans have completely subsided, she heard the sharp intake of breath by the lady and the man who was probably grinning from ear to ear.

The room they were in was dark and painted red, it contained antique cowries, calabashes and many other things used for ritual purposes. They knew they were in a dangerous zone but there is no risk she can't take for two people in love, especially if the both of them mean so much to her.

"You said that if we do this a day before my marriage, all my problems will magically disappear. I haven't been feeling good but I sneaked in here just for you. How is my victory of getting married to the crown prince and becoming the queen guaranteed?" Nawal tiredly asked the pot-bellied man beside her.

"It would have been a hundred per cent guarantee but there is a problem." He stood up and got dressed in his red and black garments then hungrily stared at her body, wanting more.

"What is the problem? I just hope it's not something big. How much do you want? Just name the price and solve all my problems." The worn-out black blanket slipped down, revealing her boobs but she quickly put it back up. To say she is disgusted by the man in front of her would be an understatement but to marry the crown prince and acquire power and wealth, there is no extent she won't go to.

"The spell can easily break if we get the girl's twin to come back to the house. For it to work, you must get the younger princess to take part in all your wedding activities and as it is, neither the younger nor the elder has been found. I already told you that the elder's spell can only be broken by a kiss from her beloved because their love is so strong which renders our spell weak as to be broken with a mere kiss." He explained and sat down beside her on the old rickety bed.

"Isn't there any way we can get rid of those two stupid obstacles standing in my way? I will do anything, I will go to any length for what I want without backing down." Nawal frustratedly screamed her heart out.

The greedy man decided to use this as the perfect opportunity to quench his insatiable desire. He has managed to trick Nawal and the entire Makama family for the past sixteen years by making them do horrible things for power and now that he has a slut as hot as the ex-model in his mercy, he'll ensure he takes full advantage of it.

"There might be another way." He let out a malicious smirk.

"What is it?" She eagerly answered.

"A sum of ten million is required since the work has to be done overnight and again, you need to sacrifice yourself one more time." He answered with a deep frown, trying to look serious like those professional native doctors.

"Let's finish the second condition first and for the other one, I'll tell Daddy to cash out immediately after I go back home. Please let's be fast, it's getting dark." She didn't even hesitate to answer and as if waiting for the words to crawl out of her mouth, he eagerly jumped on the bed without further adieu.

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