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"This damn phone!" Marwa complained and kept her problematic phone on her lap, the phone has been hooking because part of the screen has a problem and she hasn't been able to fix it.

She must say, the past month has been eventful but it came with a thrill that has her yearning for more. She met people who are starting to have a huge impact on her life, even though she is scared of history repeating itself, she still went ahead and opened her heart to all of them because they have helped her in many ways, much more than she could imagine.

Presently, she is in her part-time workplace taking her break for the day. Jamal didn't make it to the office today because he travelled outside the country to take care of his other businesses and as for Theresa, she is still working her ass out in the restaurant.

Marwa gave up on the phone and tucked it safely in her pocket then went to the kitchen where she met the chefs carrying out different duties. Upon seeing her, the head chef who she considers no less than a father flashed her a smile and suspended his work.

"Today's special is Yakitori, along with three bowls of ramen, your favourite Japanese" He smiled at the girl who collected the tray from him giddily, he knows about Marwa's voracious appetite.

"I need to come and learn more about food, this is so delicious father figure" She moaned and he laughed, watching as she kept the empty bowl aside and went for the second.

"What food haven't I thought you how to cook Marwa? I don't know why you don't have a thing for the kitchen even though you are now a chef, just without the paperwork" He sighed and looked at Marwa who dropped the chopsticks. Yes, she can use chopsticks too.

"It's not that I don't have a thing for the kitchen, I just don't have enough resources to put my skill into practice" She argued and he sighed, knowing that is true.

"You know, I have always wanted to work in a palace, but seeing as there is no hope, I took on the offer here since the pay is good. What I'm trying to say is that never wait till you have enough resources to start something, use every opportunity you get wisely, small steps take lead to the peak. Why are you glaring at me like that? Oh! Sorry, I said palace but it has always been my dream" He laughed and sat her down on the bench beside them.

He knows she hates the palace but knows that she listens to his advice like a daughter would do to her father. They have that cute relationship going on, sometimes when Marwa's stubbornness arises, Nafisa phones the man so that he can talk some sense into the girl.

"Yeah, small steps take us to the peak" Marwa repeated the sentence and nodded to herself, it sounded like a motivation to her, telling her to start advertising her cooking skills even with their type of kitchen.

All thanks to the incident with Raihana, she has now become popular as her Instagram and Tiktok followers  keep increasing. She is a blogger who mostly talks about healthy facts, inspirational stuff and also prank videos to keep people entertained. Now, her followers are almost a hundred thousand.

Theresa walked in a dishevelled manner which baffled both Marwa and chef Abraham. Her hands were shaking with fear and her catastrophic eyes expressed it all.

"What is it, T?" Marwa stood up and rushed to her side.

"M-Mami c-called, y-you are needed at home right now" Theresa hiccuped, she wants to cry at that time but the tears refused to come. She feels for her friend, it is not in her to tell Marwa the tragedy that struck them at home.

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