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Nafisa has just come out of the bathroom after having a refreshing bath, she softly hummed and strutted to her walk-in closet. The house has been quiet without Marwa, it's just a day since she left but that doesn't make it any different.

Bringing out a simple bubu gown made of Ankara, she wore it and went back to her room along with its headtie. She gently applied the body moisturizer to her hands and legs and then pulled out a hair dryer from one of the drawers of the vanity table. Nafisa connected the hair dryer and was about to start using it when she felt a sharp pain in her back, it was so intense that she had to keep the dryer on the vanity table.

"Ahh!" She wailed in pain and fell to the floor with a thud, it felt like her spinal cord was repeatedly hit by a force. Nafisa grabbed the stool and was about to stand up when the pain rushed back like an avalanche, making her fall back down. No matter how she twists her body to ease the pain, it was just impossible.

Hidayah who happened to be returning from the kitchen heard a female voice wailing for help. It didn't take up to ten seconds for her to figure out whose wail it was and of course, she ran to her mother's room and barged, her heart breaking in an instant because of the sight before her.

Nafisa was arching her back with tears in her now red eyes, her hands were sprawled as she pleaded for help with her voice faltering at the end.

"Mami!" Hidayah sobbed and attempted to touch her mother but much to her dismay, the woman's once smooth body felt rough now, just stoic like a rock. It got to a point where she stopped moving, her lips dried and her eyes stopped blinking, someone may easily mistake her for a dead person.

"Mami please wake up, Mami don't die. Hang on, you'll be fine now" Frantically, she scrambled for her phone which was on the floor beside her and quickly dialled a number, probably the best person to call in situations like this.


In a gigantic white bedroom which has a spectacular view of the palace laid a man on his bed, he was in a supine position, face-timing his girlfriend in his Macbook Pro, they were even talking about his brother and her friend.

"I hope that those two have reconciled, they're too stubborn for my liking" Khayr sighed and Turad chuckled.

"Both of them think that their ego will be bruised and this is why they always end up quarrelling" He retorted just as Hidayah's call came through.

"Who's calling?" She asked.

"It's Hidayah, one minute babe" Turad then clicked on the answer button and put it on speaker. He was about to talk when the girl beat him to it.

"Hamma Turad, Mami is not breathing, she is neither blinking nor moving" She dropped the bomb and burst into full-blown tears.

In times like this when he usually acts all calm and collected, prince Turad Ibn Harith Baghdad did the exact opposite. He closed his laptop, completely oblivious to the fact that Khayr was busy shouting at him to repeat what Hidayah said, he is seeing and hearing nothing. All that was on his mind is how to get to Baghdad's real estate.

He just slipped on a white shirt that was beside him on the bed before scurrying out of the room after wearing flip flops, he didn't even care if she hung up the phone or not. The prince ran at his fastest speed and made it to his car garage, ignoring the guards who thought he has gone crazy.

Turad snatched the keys of his white Range Rover Sport from his chauffeur and hopped in the car before driving off at its max speed. On his way out of the palace he met Junaid who was coming back from his afternoon walk, the guy told him to stop and he did.

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