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Four days.

It has been four days since the incident happened and yet, there was neither a text message nor a call from him. Releasing another dejected sigh, she kept her phone on the nightstand and strutted to her closet, in times like this, she would have taken her pills to numb the emotions but he stopped her, he changed her and made her believe that there is more to life than drug abuse.

The past four days have been hectic for her, letting out fake smiles during an interview with a news station is no joke. Yes, Marwa was called for an interview because she was proclaimed as the face of Baghdad's hospital which is a huge title, she has helped in healing many people with her quotes and motivational videos, including people who she has never met from Adam.

The two princes' and her friends have done all they could to comfort her and she'll never thank them enough, her mother, sister and Ammar have also been there for her but no matter their concern, she will never forget about Murad. Marwa Kabeer Hassan is more of an ambivert, the introverted side of her is what they are experiencing now, hiding her pains behind a beautiful smile such that it's only when you look well that you notice how fake the smile is.

Ammar knocked on the door to Marwa's room three times, he became worried when he heard no response from her. He gently twisted the doorknob and opened it, peeping in, he was met with an empty bed and her phone on the nightstand, the noise was coming from the television which was on the SuperSport channel where a match between Manchester United and Barcelona is being played.

"Sisto!" He called out softly and looked around the room filled with the scent of Bakhoor.

"Adda Marwa where are--?" Before Ammar could finish his sentence, he saw Marwa slumped on the carpeted floor in her closet, her eyes were staring into space as a lone tear fell from her right eye.

Ammar ran to her limp figure and held her close to him in a brotherly way, he hates seeing his sister like this. For a moment, she allowed her sobs to fill the whole place, the tears flowing along with all the emotions she has been bottling up. The guy didn't interrupt, he let her cry for as long as she wanted, not for once moving from his position.

"Why am I always unlucky?" She silently questioned.

"Shush! Don't ever say that again sis. You're like a light that can't be darkened, the happiness you bring to people's lives is contagious, not to talk about the optimism you have spread to many people. Why call yourself unlucky when almost everyone is wishing to be like you?" He comforted and her big, dreamy eyes met his in a playful glare before they both chuckled.

"Who would wish to be pathetic and messed up like me? Everyone always abandons the bad girl and in the end, I have no one. Now that I think about it, it was so stupid of me to have thought that Murad will fill that void when he just came to dig the wounds and leave them like that" She laughed humorlessly.

"You're not a bad girl and no one will abandon you. What Hamma Murad has done is uncalled for but I think he has a good reason for doing what he is doing. Maybe to protect you--" Ammar was cut off by Marwa who snapped at him all of a sudden.

"I am capable of protecting myself, I don't need anyone's help"

"Yes, you don't need anyone's help but why don't you try texting him to ask about the sudden ignorance?" He tried to coax her.

"Ask me if I'm bothered. Enough of Murad now, I need to do something productive, come and help me set the cameras" She shrugged and wiped her tears.

Ammar sighed, their plan to make the two love birds talk to each other didn't work again, both were too stubborn. Hidayah and Nafisa later came inside the room and helped in setting the ring lights and other things. Marwa is the most introverted and short-tempered person you will ever meet, one minute she cries like her eyes would leave their sockets and the next, she is acting like she doesn't care.

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