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Hiya Luvs,

I know I've been gone for so long but I'm back and ready to fill your needs and give you more juicy/interesting chapters. 

I'm finally back with part two that y'all have been requesting I make! I'm so sorry it took me so long to make this :( I lost motivation in writing for a bit but I'm back and ready to satisfy you all <3

Also, some people have been requesting a part 2 of my first one shot so I'll be writing that as well ^^

As previously said in part one

"Then let's see what you are capable of...captain"

Taking it all in, Serafina ran her fingers along the shelves with all the different bits and pieces she'd never seen before.

Assuming she had been taken to the captain's quarters, Serafina sighed and picked up a little trinket with drawn-on whiskers while replaying the scene she had just caused in her head again.

The reaction she got from the captain was priceless but Serafina knew she wouldn't go unpunished for it...but to her, that wasn't the problem. Serafina's problem was how touch starved she was, how she craved someone's touch, how she longed for someone to use her pathetic little body.

*Timeskip to later on in the day*

Serafina had been cooped up in the quarters all day with nothing to occupy her from her boredom. Rocking back and forth in the captain's chair, a swing of the door opened causing her to shoot up out of the chair. 

There came in the certain pink-haired woman who'd been plaguing her mind all day. Based on her facial expression, she clearly looked stressed and frustrated but to Serafina's surprise, a question was voiced "I know we got off on the wrong foot princess but come eat with me?"

Serafina looked at her in disbelief, not knowing if this was a true act of kindness from the devil herself or a way to gain her trust and use it against her. However, betrayed by a rumble of her stomach, she rolled her eyes and agreed to have a seat. 

Before she could even ask where the food was two scruffy men, one with goggles on his head and the other with weird pointy hair. walked in with an arm full of food. Serafina had always thought that pirates lived on nothing but disgusting waste and rags but this food looked mouth-watering, so mouth-watering that she watched every move and step the two made until they placed the food on the table. 

"Mylo. Claggor." The captain said, nodding at them as if to be thanking and dismissing them at the same time. With the men gone and the two left alone, Serafina sat in silence while pinky dug into eating, "You can stare at me all day princess but the food will go cold" Pinky laughed, hitting pause on eating the food to look at Serafina. Without a word out of her mouth, Serafina hungrily ate the food. She didn't care about manners nor how she looked, just her empty stomach. 

Despite her mind solely on eating food, a thought stops her from taking another bite. With a mouth full of food Serafina comments, "Hate to pause this dinner date but I don't even know your name." With a chuckle, the captain says " cocky much princess? The names vi". "phfft" Serafina scoffed, "sorry but I didn't expect you to have such a nice name seeing as you are just pirate scum. Plus your hair's pink?! Like shouldn't your name be pinky pie or some shit?" Vi glared at her and said, "you should watch that tone of yours princess". 

Sighing, Serafina gets up and walks over to the same shelf she was curious about when she was practically chucked into the room. Her once playful mood turned into boredom yet again because of o great and powerful captain vi.

Arcane: League of Legends Vi x Fem OC one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now