Chapter 1: Level 1

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[Status: Izuku Midoriya. Lvl 2 weakling.

Strength: Negligible.

Dexterity: Brick-like.

Constitution: Cardboard.

Intelligence: Surprisingly above average, but coupled with self esteem and a nasty habit of second guessing himself this turns into a negative.

Wisdom: Has a quirk like this, still wants to be a hero.

Charisma: Cold Wet Noodle]

Izuku sighed at the info box his quirk greeted him with every morning. Officially his quirk was known as Mundane Status. Which was both an apt description of it, but also understated just how terrible his quirk really was. Not only was the information it provided incredibly wrong at times, but it was equally pointless.

Honestly he'd rather not even have a quirk.

Even the clock was wrong. And the only useful things it gave him were the quest log and the minimap. The only problem was that the quest log only showed stuff he remembered and the mini map didn't work when he was lost. And oftentimes the numbers didn't make sense!

[Shoes Equipped: +5 movement.]

[Pants Equipped: +5 to decency.]

[Shirt Equipped: +5 to decency.]

[Buff- Fully Dressed: You are fully dressed.]

His quirk ignored things like underwear and socks. Though just wearing underwear and socks didn't give him anything. When he had nothing at all on, or rather equipped he got a warning that said "Ungabunga Mode."

He didn't even know what that means! Google just told him that it was something cavemen said!

[Daily Quest Complete: Get ready for school!

Reward: You are now ready for another disappointing day at school. +5 exp]

"Thank you." Izuku half growled and slung his backpack on. He didn't even know what exp was. Or how he could use it. He was fairly certain that as with everything his quirk was just fucking with him. It had to be sentient. Why else would it insult him constantly?

"Talking to your quirk again honey?" His mother gave him the same worried smile she gave him every morning ever since they realized that his quirk was, for lack of a better term, terrible. So terrible that there was simply no way he could become a hero with it.

And now he was afflicted with guilt. His quirk really was just sooooo amazing.

He ate breakfast gaining a well fed buff that once again didn't do anything and then began his long and ever so slightly boring walk to school. A small glowing trail of dots showed him the usual path he took each day. Did everybody else have a quirk that wormed its way into every part of their lives?

Mutation quirks perhaps. But most Emitter or Transformation type quirk users could live their lives pretty normally. Maybe his quirk wasn't quite that bad. At least physically. But waking up every morning and seeing that he was still a level two weakling and having no idea what the hell that meant, was starting to get a little bit frustrating.

"Maybe I should go to therapy after all?" He muttered turning down the street. But then he'd be placed on a list and he wouldn't be able to become a hero even if he found out a way to use his quirk effectively. If only it was like Ragdoll's and gave useful information. Nope.

He looked up and saw that his day was about to get ever so slightly worse. A red name plate appeared with an orange lvl 5 that followed Katsuki Bakugo around with an arrow pointing to his exact location. It only worked when Izuku was paying attention to him so he couldn't even get a warning or anything.

Level Up By YojimbraWhere stories live. Discover now