Chapter 2: Level 2

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"So," Itsuka walked over to him. She was taller than him, most girls were, and crossed her arms, looking at him with an annoyed look on her face. Oh great, a cute girl was talking to him, and she was probably going to be asking him all sorts of questions he didn't know or what to even do.

Did he mention she was really pretty? Just the orange hair, green eyes, and just her whole presence was really charming.

[Achievement Unlocked: Baby's first crush.

You really got a crush on the first girl to ever say a single word to you, huh?

Reward: Affection Meter.]

An empty bar appeared below Itsuka's name that had a smaller line directly in the middle of it. He had a feeling that he wouldn't have any idea which side is good and which side is bad. Or if it even represented something at all.

Itsuka poked him in the chest with a finger that was easily bigger than his own fist. "Care to explain what just happened? Like, why am I here, why was that guy attacking you? And why is it that I know your name? Izuku."

Oh god, a pretty girl knew his name! That felt like more of an achievement than anything else that happened today. Still this was his first time getting achievements. And they seemed to unlock new stuff. The only problem was that he didn't know how to unlock them. Though all of them had been more insulting than normal.

"Oi," Itsuka snapped her enlarged fingers right in front of him, her other hand was on her hip. "Izuku, that is your name right?" She sighed and shrunk her hand. "Look, I'm not mad or anything. I just want to know what happened."

Oh right, a cute girl was talking to him!

"Oh, umm, well-"

[Achievement Unlocked: You spoke to a girl.

Well kind of.

Reward: Party chat.]

Oh. That seemed like it might be useful. But how did he use it?

And Itsuka was still staring at him. "Oh! Well I'm not exactly sure. My quirk, is a little bit weird. And I'm not really in control of it or anything. Sorry for the inconvenience."

His answers only appeared to make her even more annoyed.

"Uhuh, so why did you pick me? And why am I only level seven? And a monk? And why are you a level two weakling?" Oh so she could see that stuff too now?

"I don't know. I was just walking home and then that guy came charging around the corner, and the girl looked like she needed help so I threw my bag at him, and then my quirk said I made a big ass mistake and that I unlocked the party system and it forced me to summon someone, but it didn't let me pick it because it was my fault that I was going to die, and then you appeared and punched the shark in the face!" He said without breathing then exhaled and bowed deeply. "Thank you for saving my life and sorry for the inconvenience!"

"Woah, Izuku, chill." Itsuka gave a weak laugh. "I just wanted to know what was happening. But it doesn't sound like you can really control your quirk all too much."

More like not at all.

"So, do you know how to drop the party thing? It's weird." She swiped her hand at the air trying to grab something. "I can see the uhh, party frame thing, but I can't really interact with it. And it's not like it's in the way. It's just there."

"Yeah, you get used to it." Or maybe not. "Sorry for using my quirk on you. I didn't really have a choice in the matter."

"Don't worry about it. But, do you think you can undo it? Like try kicking me out of the party or something? No offense but your quirk's kind of weird." She scratched the back of her head and then looked down at her bare feet. "Oh. And do you think you can send me back first? I don't have my wallet. Or my phone. Or you know. Shoes."

Level Up By YojimbraWhere stories live. Discover now