Chapter 3: Level 3

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[Itsuka Kendo Lvl 8 Monk. Big Ass Fist Style]

In just over a week, Itsuka had gained another level. For Izuku, it was impressive as it was frustrating. But she was absolutely beaming with pride and joy, so he couldn't help but feel happy for her. The fact that they were meeting up for the first time in public since that day and she was wearing casual clothes that made her look adorable and spunky had nothing to do with it.

Okay, maybe it had a lot to do with it.

"Thanks for the coffee," Itsuka hummed blowing onto the steaming cup with a soft smile on her face. It was amazing just how different she looked when she wasn't in her martial artist clothes. A simple blue jean jacket, burnt orange dress that traveled all the way down to her knees, and black leggings just made her look like...


Like they were on a date. They were sitting at a park on their day off drinking coffee and tea. This had to be a date right?

[404 quest: Date with Itsuka! Not found.

Try growing a pair]

His face felt warm again. Great. Just great. He was probably blushing now. It didn't help that he knew that she had a habit of using their party chat feature whenever she was in the bath. That or she just spent a lot of time in "Ungabunga Mode"; she probably couldn't see debuffs or things like that yet. Or if she did, she just accepted the fact that when she got naked, she entered "Ungabunga Mode."

Still the fact that he was talking to someone that he had talked to while they were naked and it was a girl did not make this much easier.

"Don't mention it," Izuku mumbled staring down at the table that was between them, his own cup of tea was still steaming, but he really didn't need that to feel warm right now. What if someone saw them? Would they think they were on a date? Did Itsuka think this was a date? "Consider it a congratulations for leveling up. Again."

"Hehe, thanks, I worked my butt off." She reached into her bag and pulled out a notebook, flipping it open to the first page. A big red question mark was at the top of the page followed by a +5000. Dozens of other numbers ran along one side with small notes for what each of them was for along side a running total spilled over from one page to the next. "I've been keeping track of my experience and trying to find out how I can gain more. So far beating that big bad guy gave me the most. By like a lot."

Same for him, but he only got 100!

"Wow, this is impressive Itsuka." He tried to do something similar in fifth grade. But then when he kept staying at level two, he just kind of gave up on tracking it. It didn't matter how much Exp he gained when he was stuck at level two. He needed to not be so jealous. So what if his quirk liked Itsuka more than him. He liked Itsuka more than his quirk!

She smiled and flipped to the last page. "I don't know how close I was to level seven, but I added everything up and came up that I gained a total of 7455 Exp before I got to level eight. I think that you need one thousand Exp per level in order to level up, but I won't know for certain until I get to level nine."

"That's great news, but how are you gaining so much exp?" The most he ever gotten at one time was one hundred and that was when Itsuka beat that villian. Normally it was little bits like 5 sometimes ten, really it depended on what was giving the experience.

"Oh!" Itsuka pointed towards a +10 on her book. It was for a math test. "So, when I do a test it gives me five for completing it. But for doing it perfectly I got an extra five."

He knew that.

"But the big points come from extra credit." She pointed towards a few larger numbers, many of them were closer to fifty. "Extra credit gets converted directly to Exp, and one of my teachers loves to give out extra credit for random things so long as you've done all the work. So I've been milking her."

Level Up By YojimbraWhere stories live. Discover now