Chapter 4: Level 4

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[Congratulations! You have crafted something edible!


[Rank Up! You are now a beginner mediocre chef!]

[Achievement Unlocked: With your own two hands.

You actually made something worthwhile!

Reward: Crafting, Item Appraisal.]

[Achievement Unlocked: Skilled

In the loosest meaning of the word.

Reward: Skills]

[Item: Beginners Basic Mediocre French Toast of Basic Mediocrity.

Category: Food (Questionable), Consumable.


+5 Hp

+3 Stickiness

High chance of a stomach ache

Creator's skill level low, effects may be randomized.

Created by Izuku Midoriya.]

Itsuka let out a gasp and looked at him with wide eyes. She had him by his shoulders, somehow shaking while also rapidly slapping him. Her excitement was written all over her face as she did a few jumps, looking between him, and the french toast he had just made. He couldn't help but share in her excitement, as after four classes, they had finally reached their goal.

Being skilled at something.

Anybody could make a sandwich, pour hot water in a ramen cup, cut some fruit. The first few attempts at cooking hadn't really failed. It was edible, sure, but for whatever reason, his quirk didn't count it.

But it counted the french toast.

There wasn't anything really special about it. It was just french toast. Battered bread, fried in a pan until it was golden, a bit of butter spread on top, a flurry of white powdered sugar, a couple of berries, and a cup of warm syrup. It looked like something a restaurant would sell. So maybe that was what did it?

[Itsuka Kendo: Gratz! That worked right? I can see it has stats and stuff! And it was made by you! That has to mean it worked, right?]

He looked at Itsuka, then back at his modest creation. She was way too close. How was it that every time he saw her she just got more adorable? Her long orange hair was pulled into the ponytail she often wore in the cooking class, it wasn't on the side of her head, rather it started and appeared just above her neck and cascaded straight down. The adorable apron she was wearing over her brown sweater she just made her so beautiful.

Her wide brilliant smile only made her just that much more so.

[Izuku Midoriya: Yeah, I think I unlocked skills now. And crafting, and item inspection.

Itsuka Kendo: Woah! That's a lot! I guess you just need to make food actually look like food! And I knew it would heal! Gratz Izuku!]

"Do you mind if I try it?" Itsuka half mumbled as she moved her hand forward, slowly pinching towards one of the thin cut pieces of toast. "Just to see what the taste is like? And other effects?"

"Uhh sure." Did she have to eat the whole thing to get the effect? Could they share?

"Thanks!" She wasted no time in dipping a piece into the syrup and then right into her mouth. Itsuka looked confused for half a moment, one eyebrow nearly going up to her hair, before she swallowed. She gave a frown of approval and nodded going for another piece. "Not bad Izuku, I think you might actually have a talent for this."

Level Up By YojimbraWhere stories live. Discover now