Chapter 5: Level 5

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Her fingers slipped past his. The lightest touch not allowing either of them to form that secure grip. His eyes were locked onto hers, they were wide, filled with fear and regret, her mouth was open in a gasp of terror, body stuck mid fall like a scene from a comic page. Gnarled rusted metal and growing flames awaited her down below. But the world was frozen by his quirk.

[Summoning Itsuka Kendo.

Summoning Momo Yaoyorozu.]

[Resuming Crisis. Hold on Tight.]

The world snapped into motion once more. Momo jutted a foot upwards, her hand firmly outstretched, and grabbed onto his forearm while he did the same to her. Her weight hit him like a truck, threatening to pull him down with her or tear his arm off. Still Izuku gritted his teeth and pressed a hand against one of the few remaining parts of the rusting ground beneath him.

"Hang on!" Izuku muttered, trying to pull Momo up.

[Strength check failed. Try actually working out.]

Not helping!

"Don't," Momo said, "If you keep this up, you'll fall too."

"I don't care." Izuku grunted and tried again. His free hand slipped, slicing his hand along the sharp rusted metal

[You have taken 7 damage. You are bleeding]

He still didn't care!

[Strength check failed. Receiving Assist from Itsuka. Strength check succeeded.]

Huh? Itsuka.

"I got you!" Itsuka's voice called from behind him. One of her giant hands wrap around his waist and pulled him upwards with a surprising amount of ease, it was all he could do to keep a hold of Momo. The other girls grey eyes went wide as she was sent flying up into the air and then caught by Itsuka's other hand.

[Momo Yaoyorozu: Ginger haired cat lady with giant fists?

Itsuka Kendo: Please don't mention the cat ears!

Izuku Midoriya: Cat ears?

Momo Yaoyorozu: What the fuck is this? What's happening? Why are my thoughts being shown here, oh god please don't let it show that I think she's cute!

Itsuka Kendo: Ignore the cat ears! Also don't flirt while I'm trying to save you!

Momo Yaoyorozu: Sorry! You can just let me die now!]

Izuku adjusted himself in Itsuka's fist so that he could get a better look at her. Same ginger hair, same cute nose, she still had her normal ears that stuck out just a bit, but on top of her head was a set of orange cat ears. Where did those come from? Did she always have them? Also her face was really red.

And he should be freaking out that their life was still in danger!

But apparently Itsuka had that covered. With a grace that he forgot she had - it was easy to forget that she'd been training in martial arts since she could walk - Itsuka stepped around the growing holes in the floor and made her way to the stairs. They were greeted with flames.

[Itsuka Kendo: Its too high to jump!

Izuku Midoriya: It might be the only way. Could you land if you had a free hand?

Itsuka Kendo: Probably, but you're an idiot if you think I'm leaving either of you.

Momo Yaoyorozu: Umm if you could let my arm out, I might be able to help.

Itsuka Kendo: Awesome!]

Itsuka unfurled her her fingers so that Momo could let arms out while still keeping a firm grip on the other girls waist. Momo let out a breath and held out her hands. A moment later, a couple of balls appeared in her hands. She tossed them into the fires where they exploded into a white foam that destroyed the flames in a matter of moments.

Level Up By YojimbraWhere stories live. Discover now