Fun In The Sun

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"come on... I could ask someone to swap with you Armin" Eren said as he stepped into the room behind me.

Armin smiled at him "nah it's fine. I mean uh.. Me and Elly could share the bed" he blushed "or like I could sleep on this window sill over here" he said as he walked over to the huge windowsill. I admit the space of the sill looked like a bed could be made of it. And with Armin's stature it would be a great bed.. Albeit a bif uncomfortable cause it looked to be a hard survice. But with a few blankets it could be made soft enough to sleep on.

I nodded my head and Eren turned to glare at me. "I'm not letting you sleep with armin in this room Le- uh Elly." he said and Armin looked from him to me then blushed.

Then he got this steely look in his eye. "Eren... I pulled Ellys name and well we decided that once you pull the name it can't be exchanged. And that's final" he said then turned to unpack his bags "besides... It doesn't seem like she minds us sharing the room. Right Elly?" he said then turned to me with a open smile.

I sighed when Eren turned and glared at me harder. Then i shrugged as I pulled my bag beside me. Hange decided I should keep the bags with me since she would have to help me dress myself every day anyway.

"yeah. Whatever." I said and started to unpack my stuff. I looked back at Armin as he stared at Eren with a triumphant smile and when I looked closer at his face. He just looked super satisfied with himself. Which made me wonder what if little mushroom over here planned this... I Mean he is super fucking smart and he was the one who wrote the names.. Fuck he definitely planned this! Of course I couldn't blame him... I am a hot piece of ass and I'm sure anywould would jump at the chance of a good boy like myself so yeah I cant blame him I would do the same if it was Eren.

Why oh why do i have to be such a babe. It's a curse I tell you.

I rolled my eyes at the both of them then turned Armin with my arms Crosse infront of me. "try anything lover boy and I'll slice you into bits" I said and glared at him with a pout  when he blushed at my words then started sputtering.

I turned then made my way out of the room. Serves him right for his trickery.

I was down the hallway when Eren ran to catch up with me. "fuck this. I still think you and Sasha could switch if I convince her with a food bribe" he said and I shook my head.

"no Eren. You heard the coconut. The rules apply to everyone and plus.. Even the couples are separated, and we're clearly not a couple here so let's just enjoy ourselfs and get to know our friends a bit more  or let me get to know you're friends a bit more huh" I said then smiled at him "and well... We could you know.. Sneak off sometimes and like.. Do.. Stuff..." I said then blushed.

He smiled then "I like the way you're thinking" he said then bent down and gave a me a kiss. I pushed him away after a few seconds." dude... You so don't want anyone catching us right now" I said and he pouted.

"well I'd say it's a bit too late for that" we heard someone say down the hallway and we both jumped as Hange  came down the hallway with a cackling laugh.

I released the breath I was holding and pushed Eren away form me slightly. "fuck you Hange. You really made my heart race a bit there" I said and looked Eren. He seemed to still be in shock tho.

"Guys! We're going down to the beach" Connie yelled up at us from downstairs and I started to descend the steps. Eren and Hange followed me down and when we got there all of them had changed their clothes for more comfortable beach wear. I looked at me dress and felt a bit overdressed.

"fuck yeah. I might get into the water for a bit I'm heating up right now." Eren said and high fived Connie.

"uh I think I'm gonna stay here and you guys go. I have to still unpack a few stuff and get out of this dress" I said.

"okay then. Come on guys let's go" Christa said and they all started leaving. Eren stayed with me "are you sure. This dress seems ok to me" he said and pulled me closer by my hand. I shook my head and he sighed. "OK then. See you in a bit" he said then bent and pecked me in the lips then ran out after the others.

I turned around after closing the front door and made my way back to the bedroom. The walls were a pretty voilet color with family pictures hanging around. Damn Christmas family was fucking loaded. I thought as I made my way into the room.

"ahh shit" Armin said as I walked into the room "I forgot my white top at home" he said as he was packing his clothing into the cupboard.

He turned when he heard me walk him "heyy... Where did Eren go?" he asked as he stood up form his crouched position.

I completely forgot he was still upstairs. Our room wasn't far from the staircase. But the door was closed so I guess he didn't hear them making the plan to go to the beach.

" Oh they went down to the beach for a swim." I said and I started to pull clothes from my bag and packing them away in the cupboards.I looked around the room and it really was a spacious room. It seems like it might be the master bedroom. I took out my phone when I saw the Bluetooth speakers  in the corners of the room and when I searched though devices I connected to "masters".

"do you mind if I play some songs while we pack away?" I asked Armin and he shrugged. I smiled and pressed play on cher's 'if I could turn back time' and then I sated sighing along.

I looked at Armin as he stated to sway to the song. "ooh I like this song. One of the best I tell you" he said and laughed when I started to band my head to the beat. My hair was flying around and I was gesturing with my hands. He laughed and joined my slight jumping and head banging.

We continued listening to songs that he suggested such as celine dion if that's what it takes nudge nudge wink wink  and even Micheal Jacksons songs which I also enjoy listening to. To be honest I'm quite surprised we have so much music in common. Only song Eren likes that I like is NF's Time.

And so we spent the hour and half just jamming to our songs and telling each other about ourself. Which was very nice. Armin is not such a bad guy after all even if he still flirted with me.


"that's just fucked up man. Like why would you do shit like that. Your quite the dare devil huh" I said and laughed at armin when he pulled a face.

"its not my fault he spelt my name wrong on the cup. He should listen more carefully when I spelt it for him. I had to get my pay back." he said and smiled when I laughed again.

"but to embarrass him like that though. I wouldn't wanna anger you in the future" I said as I pulled out a long sleeve white shirt and blue grey denim shorts. I'm very obviously flat chested but the bra fixes that.

I look hot in anything so I don't exactly care what I'll dress in. It's just that my legs aren't that femin3but they make this I'm a boy pretending to be a girl thing work. I let my hair down and I stared at the outfit I picked out. Hange would definitely approve.

I turn around and Armin is standing right behind me. "uh that's a nice outfit you picked." he said as he moved back a bit. I was startled but then I smiled. "thank you. I think so too" I said and turned and picked up the clothing "well... I'll just go get dressed yeah? You could play your songs now" i said and moved to go around him. He grabbed me by my arm and I stilled beside him.

Who would've guessed that the fucking coconut could be so brass!.... Yeah you guessed right. Not Fucking me.


Here you go guys. I've updated. Expect the next in a few days so untill then I hope you enjoyed it so far. Votes and comments as always are welcome.


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