Warm Baths And Truths

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When we get back to my apartment I feel so tired. Like this day stressed me out but I didnt even do much. I sigh and throw myself on the couch.

"Oh is the poor baby tired?"  Hange said as she threw herself on the opposite couch. I glared her way but it changed into a soft smile and she smiled back.

"I guess you can say so. Today has been good though" I say with a sigh and close my eyes.

Hange sits up and starts humming. She just can't be quiet or enjoy the silence for a second  it think and roll my eyes.

"ill go get the bath ready" I say and get up. Hange squeals and gets up with me. "I'll help" she says and I can't argue with an excited Hange so I agree and we make our way to the bathroom.

I take out our towels and shit. Yes our towels because we have done this before. Even though I won't admit that it was my idea that we have this little time for ourself sometimes bacause what the hell.. I miss Hange sometimes. Shes a great friend buut fuck if I tell her that to her face , she'll be like a spoiled puppy and ruin my good carpet or something like that but yes. I love her and this nights gonna be an awesome bonding time.

When I turn towards the bathroom I hear the water running already. And I can smell some of my purfumed oils I've got as a gift a while ago. Finally I get to use it now.

I put the towels on the stand beside the bath. Thank God I got this huge bath like we both fit into it and were not gonna be naked duh were just gonna relax in our underwear then talk a bit and plan for the weekend. Nothing too stressful... like I'm not stressed already.

Hange sighs where she sits feeling the water temperature she better not make it too hot like last time. I don't want my precious skin to get burned or some shit and sit with red blotches like last time.

I look at her and she rolls her eyes at me "I won't make it too hot" she says and turns towards the oils on the cabinet now that's what I call reading my mind. This bitch knows me too well... It's almost scary.

"aww thank you" I said and rolled my eyes. I don't want to be too nice to the freak else she would take advantage of it.

Once everything was done and we had made our relaxed space ready and got undressed. I went out the bathroom to ding our robes for when we're done and when I returned Hange was in my favorite spot in my jacuzzi like bathtub. Ass I thought when she winked at me but didn't move I didn't expect her to. I moved and got in at the opposite side. I couldn't hold back the sigh of relief when I got in and Hange chuckled.

"bitch. You know I'm stressed so don't go laugh at my sexy ass" I said in a huff and she laughed louder. I joined her in laughter and once we calmed down "I know" she said seriously. "I know you're really stressed... What do you thing this bath time is for.. " she said with a smile and closed her eyes.

Hange can be so perceptive. I take back all the good stuff I said a moment ago. I hate the bitch.

I roll my eyes even though hers was closed and she couldn't see it her smile got wider. I huffed and smiled too.

"yeah. You know I just don't want to be stressed anymore. Eren has told his mother abo-" "what!!" Hange shouted interrupting me "he what!" she shouted again. Her words ringing out loud in the bathroom.

"stop fucking shouting Hange. Fuck you want to deafen me or some shit cuz bitch I can't go deaf right now." I said but she was still looking at me in shock.

"so... As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted" I give her a pointed look ans she sighs rolling her eyes as well for my dramatics well gotta be dramatic or this bitch won't listen to a word I say "Eren has told his mom about us. And yes it was a surprise and I'm happy about it, but it still doesn't change the fact that he isn't telling other people about us. And Hange.. What if I fucked it up by pretending to be a girl?" I continue to say when I see she's calmed down a bit.

" Levi.. I really don't think that would matter to them. They're his friends and I'm sure they would understand " she said as she settled herself down .

I hummed. I really really hope so. His done the first step by telling his mom I guess. Which is a big thing. I just can't help but worry still though damn.. Who would've thought Levi Ackerman would turn into this sappy worry wart... I should be ashamed of myself really I smiled while thinking that last one. It's true though.

I look at Hange and she gives me a thumps up. "now. No more of this sappy stuff. Let's just relax and take this moment in" she said. I resisted in rolling my eyes back at her. Not that she would care.

I sigh and sit back into the tub.

Yeah let's. I thought as I closed my eyes let's try to.


Yayyyyy. Hey guys. I've updated due to someone who said they keep coming back (wink wink) 😉😉

I'm glad to see you're still enjoying my story all the votes and the comments are sooo much appreciated. Thank you guys sooo much really.

I really wanted to stop writing and not continue any of my works but I decided better to update slowly instead of pressuring myself and forcing the words out. So I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'm already working on the next one so theres That.

Thank you for the follows and votes and comments once again. I appreciate you ❤️ bear with me though please guys.

From me peace out✌️


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