Weekend shenanigans : pt 1

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"Oh yeah Eren, we still have to talk about that weekend Christa mentioned the other time" I said and shook my hair a bit having taken out the extensions.

I walked into the seating room and Eren brought over my tea "Thank you" I say and scoot over, making room for him to sit.

"Yes. The beach week she invited you to, or should I say she invited Elly to".Eren said as he sat beside me. I leaned back in my seat making myself comfortable and took a sip of my tea. "Yeah whatever" I say and roll my eyes " when is it again?" I ask and look at him, he looks thoughtfully for a moment "ah I think it's a week after exams or something. I'll ask her again tomorrow at the cafe. We're all meeting up again to talk about study schedules" he said and took a sip of his disgusting cofee.

"Wow." I said. "That's a thing now... I always studied in my own.. well with the exception of Hange and Erwin of course", I said and looked at him. Eren smiled "Yeah. We 'll have most of the same subjects so we study group and see which people should study together and when. It works perfectly. Since we're a big group and all." He said with a fond smile.

I looked at him. I'm glad he has such trust worthy friends and I'm glad I have Hange and Erwin although they can really make me go crazy at times. I'm just glad that they both forced their way into my secluded Hart and I've opened up a lot to both of them. Anyways no more sentimental shit.I love my friends even though I'll never let the shits know this.

"So.. your going to confirm and then tell me okay?" I ask to be just sure because Eren likes to forget a lot. "Yeah I'll text you tomorrow if I don't see you" he says with a smirk aware that I would kick his ass if he doesn't. I like to prepare stuff before hand because I don't like not being on time or not having specific stuff with me I know I know come on Levi chiilll.. it's just a beach weekend. I mean bitch have you seen my skin. If it gets burned its definitely not going to be a fun week at all so I needs to be prepared fool.

I sip my tea and put my cup down, and lean back into Eren space. "So now that we got that sorted out, what are we watching?" I ask as I grab the remote.

I look up at Eren and he smirks back at me "Oh come on Levi you should be asking what are we doing now instead don't you think " he says and waves his eyebrows .

I flush and hit him slightly. "Perve" I mumble and he laughs and puts his cup down. He angles my head to him and gives me a light kiss " only with you baby" he says and I flush darker at the pet name. He tilts my head again and pressed a kiss to my lips. I open up and let him take over. Gosh he is such a good kisser.

I end up laying on top of him after our little make out session." I love you" I say and look into his eyes. He smiles back at me "I love you too. More even". I lay my head down on his chest and twine our fingers together. I close my eyes. Content.

Eren takes the blanket and wraps it over our bodies and suddenly I'm super tired. I yawn and stretch to make myself more comfortable using his body as my mattress, but he doesn't seem to mind. And runs his hand though my raven hair.

"I think I'm just gonna close my eyes for a bit" I say and look up at him slightly "You staying?" I ask him. "Yeah obviously" he says and gestures to my body on top of his with a roll of his eyes. I huff and he smiles "I'm staying baby. Sleep." I grumble "I'm not gonna sleep  ass, there's a difference between closing my eyes and sleeping "I say and he rolls his eyes again "okay then, you can close your eyes for a moment. I'll be right here."

I narrow my gaze on him for the way he said close your eyes but I make no more moves to argue with him and I close my eyes. Ugh I feel like I've run a mile and now I'm all out of energy. As I drift off to my slumber I can't help but think and feel grateful for what I have and who I have in my life.

I guess loving someone isn't all that bad after all.


Hi everyone still reading , adding, voting on this story. I appreciate you soo much. I know this chapter is quite late but pleas forgive me. I've just been so busy with work and stuff but I'm trying to update more frequently. I've actually posted a one shot between all this and I'm busy with 3 new story's.. which I'm also trying to update but I haven't posted them yet. I'm sure you guys will love stolen lover.

Anyway. Thank you for voting and adding this story to reading lists and stuff I appreciate that so much. I hope you enjoyed this kind of fluffy chapter. The next one will be out sometime next week(I think 😶)

So in till next time peace out ✌


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