All the time,
I'm Near to you,
I wanna destroy,
Every Part of you,
You're like a poison, inside my heart,
Beating me down,
But You are not that smart,[smart]
Ref : I have an antidote,
To your own Plan,
I'm singing every note,
That's coming from my heart,
I Don't need you Anymore.[Anymore]
I just wanna be free,
And nobody, [nobody] can stop me!
You're like a bullet,
Inside a Gun,
But I have an Armor,
That gonna stop your run,[run]
I'm not anymore,
Held in your Castles,
I'm not your Iron,
Inside your Mountain,
I'm like an Eagle,
That flies in the sky,
And nobody,[nobody]
Can shoot me down!
Ref : I have an antidote,
To your own Plan,
I'm singing every note,
That's coming from my heart,
I Don't need you Anymore.[Anymore]
I just wanna be free,
And nobody, [nobody] can stop me!
Archiv Joeyho Poezie
PoesiaTahle kniha- no, spíše by se tomu mělo říkat sešitek- Je vlastně taková sbírka Joeyho- tedy mých- Básní, básniček, písniček, psaníček, prostě všeho, co má v sobě alespoň pár rýmů. Tento "sešitek" se budu snažit aktualizovat co nejčastěji :)