•Chapter 6•

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"So what are you wearing tonight Stell?" Asked Bri as she went through the clothes in my closet. "I honesty don't know. I haven't been to Caleb's party's in forever." I sat down on my bed looking through my Twitter.

"Weeellll, OH HOW ABOUT THIS!" She said as she showed me the outfit. "This would look great on you!"

The outfit was a black, laced, long sleeved shirt with a neon green high waist skirt with black heels.

"I don't know if that would look good on me Bri." I sighed as she put the clothes in my arms.

"Go try it on, now missy." She demanded as I walked to my bathroom.

I tried on the clothes an walked out to show Bri and her eyes nearly popped out of her head. "OMG STELLA YOU LOOK GREAT!" She yelled as I quickly covered my ears.

"I don't know." I spoke as she put on her heels. "Does it look okay on my body?"

"Stella you look great! Hell boys will be asking for your number in seconds!" She said as she grabbed my hands and jumping up and down.

We both started jumping up and down laughing until we were to tired to jump anymore.

"Well I'm ready. So let's go!"

We went in Bri's white Range Rover and drove off to the party.
As we pulled up drunken bodies were every where and were dancing very stupidly.

"I don't know about this Bri. Everyone is drunk and there is ALOT of people." I said as I felt my stomach starting to hurt.

"Come on Stell, just let go, have fun!" She said as she stepped out of the car.

I quickly followed behind as we pushed past people as we walked to the kitchen of the huge mansion. As we walked in I saw Calum talking to his friends Ashton and Michael.

"Oh my god Stell, Ashton is here! We can't go in there!" She whispered as she hid behind me.

"Oh come on Bri, it's just Ashton! Go talk to him!" I said as she buried her head in my back

"No I'm too nervous and scared. I can't-" And she was soon cut off by Calum who yelled "STELLA, HEEYY!"

Soon all three of them were walking over to us an I felt Bri quickly stand up and walk over next to me.

"Hey Calum!" I said as I gave him a hug.

"Wow, you look good tonight!" He smirked as I felt myself blush.

"Hey Bri." Ashton said as he looked over at her.

"Oh um, hey Ashton ..." She seemed nervous and I pulled her over to me and told the boys we would be back.

"Why the hell are you so nervous?! Just calm down and talk to him. It obvious he likes you Bri!"

"Okay fine! I will." she giggled as she walked over to him.

As for me I went to get a drink. I didn't really like all the fancy shit they had so I got a regular beer instead.

As I walked around I bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry-"

"It's okay babe." he said as I looked up to see those blue eyes.

Out of all the people, I run into Luke!
I thought as he smirked at me.

"You look sexy tonight." He spoke as his eyes trailed down my body, making me feel nervous and uncomfortable.

"Thanks." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"So you wanna dance?" He asked as he took a sip of his drink.

"Um no thanks." I said as I starts to walk out of the room, but my I was stopped as Luke grabbed my arm.

"Come on babe, just one dance and I'll leave you alone."

"I don't-" But it was to late, Luke was already dragging me to the dance floor.

He turned himself around to face me and I gave in and started to dance.

As we danced I felt Luke's hands trail down my body as he grinded.
I had no idea why I wasn't stopping him, it was like he had control over my whole body.

I soon felt his breathe by my neck and he pressed his lips to it. He kissed and found a spot where he started to bite down and suck on. He kept on, until the spot felt sore and bruised.

He then let go of me and whispered in my ear, "Now your mine, baby."

And with that, he left. I quickly looked around for him so I could
Hit him and yell at him for what he had done, but he was nowhere in sight.

I quickly covered the spot with my hair and looked for Bri.

It has been 4 hours and my feet where getting sore and my neck was also. I couldn't find Bri anywhere so I gave up for a while.

As I walked in the main room I spotted two fimiliar people making out. I walked closer and noticed it was Bri and Ashton.

"Bri!" I yelled as she stopped what her and Ashton where doing. Her face was red cause she was blushing as I walked to her.

"Bri I'm ready to go home!" I yelled over the music.

"What time is it?!"

"It's 2 o'clock!" I said looking at my phone.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry Ashton we have to go. I'll talk to you later." she said as she gave him a hug.

"Bye babe!" He said back to her as we walked through the crowd of teens.

As we got in the car Bri was smiling so big that it was starting to scare me.

"Okay was is up with you and being all happy?" I said while laughing.

"ME AND ASHTON ARE NOW A COUPLE! AND IM SO DAMN HAPPY!" She yelled as she hugged me tightly to where I couldn't breathe.

"OH MY GOD NO WAY!" I said as she let go.

"I KNOW RIGHT! So what did you do tonight?"

I gulped at the memory of Luke and me dancing. "Nothing I just drank some beer." I lied hoping she wouldn't see through it.

"Oh okay. I'm so glad you came!" She squealed as we pulled up to my house.

"Me too." I lied again, "well see you Sunday."

I quickly rushed inside and ran to my room and taking off my heels. I felt my neck as I quickly winced in pain.

I rushed to the bathroom and noticed that my the hickey was bruised and colored black mixed with purple.

As I layed down in bed I couldn't stop thinking of Luke, it was like he was glued to my brain.
Hellooo! So do you like this chapter?! Please comment and tell me what you think! All the love.

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