Chapter 1

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Carrying his suitcase and a bunch of papers, Scorpius was heading to the Hogwarts castle for the first time in years. He stopped for a second to take a look at the building once he arrived. He smiled.

"Welcome back, Scorpius", he said to himself.

Since the term hadn't started yet, the castle seemed rather empty once he stepped inside.

"Mister Potter-Malfoy, there you are", a familiar voice along with a familiar face greeted him.

"Professor McGonagall", Scorpius greeted.

"Oh please. You can call me Minerva as much as you like", McGonagall assured him.

"You're free to call me Scorpius."

"Well from this day forward you're professor Potter-Malfoy."

"Actually, could we just stick to Malfoy? My husband doesn't really approve using the Potter name as a title."

"Then professor Malfoy it is", McGonagall said. "Now. Let me show you your office."

He followed his new boss through the corridors where nothing had changed since his school days.

"Potty Malloy, back in Hogwarts ahoy. We shall know when you're up to no goodie with your lover bootie", a teasing voice passed by.

"Behave, Peeves, or I shall call for the bloody baron", McGonagall snapped.

"Is that a threat?" Peeves giggled. "We shall see about that."

And with that he was off along with a long and loud laugh.

"Now be aware", McGonagall began. "That professor Binns was not very pleased in losing his job, as much as I explained to him that it's about time we put him in retirement and hire a new history of magic teacher. Sometimes he may forget about it just like he sometimes forgets about being a ghost."

"I think I can handle it", Scorpius said.

They finally reached the history of magic classroom, entered and went further on to the next room where Scorpius's office would be.

"This is all yours now", McGonagall said. "You can turn that couch into a bed if you ever plan on staying overnight."

"That's good to know", Scorpius said and had a look by touching it slightly. "I don't think that would be necessary at this point though. My family would miss me too much."

McGonagall smiled. "Your daughter must be proud. She's eight now, am I right?"

"Yeah", Scorpius said and smiled. "She turned eight two months ago."

"Well. I shall leave you in peace to settle down. I'll be back with your timetables later."

"Yeah. Thanks", Scorpius said before he was left by himself. 

He took a seat by his desk, put his reading glasses on and started looking through his papers. First there was his contract he decided to read through an extra time. Then another paper with all the information about the history of magic profession. Then a list of rules of being a teacher at this school. It all reminded him of the day he became the head boy. 

He flinched by the sound of the fireplace crashing, especially since he wasn't expecting and visitors so soon.

"Albus?" he said. "What are you doing here?"

"Thought I'd come by to check on you, professor", Albus said.

"Well. Have yourself a tour", Scorpius offered.

Albus gave his classical flirty smile and slowly walked over to Scorpius's desk.

"Do you remember back in our days here?" he said. "How we kept counting all the places we had sex on, and where to do it next."

"Well", Scorpius said and took his glasses off. "That was before we had our own room. Now we have a house."

"Broom cupboard, the bathroom", Albus started counting. "The astronomy tower, the restricted section... we never did it in a class room, did we?"

"No way, where not doing it in my classroom on my first day!"

"An office won't hurt either", Albus said and leaded closer. "Besides. It's your room isn't it?"

Scorpius looked at him. How could he ever say no to his handsome and precious husband, for old times sake.

* * * * *

After the joyful visit, Albus was off to Delphi's to pick up Tori. He apparated there and knocked on the door.

"Albus!" Delphi said cheerfully as she answered the door. She gave him a hug. "Come in, come in."

"So how have they been?" Albus asked referring to both Bella and Tori.

"Playing aurors all day", Delphi said laughing. "I was their death eater and they caught me."

"Are they in her room?" Albus asked.

"Yeah", Delphi said and turned to the stairs. "Tori! There's someone here who wants to see you!"

The next second the two girls rushed down into the hallway.

"Daddy!" Tori said happily and was just about to run for a hug.

"No", Bella said and stopped her. "He's the one guarding the cell of our prisoner."

"I don't wanna play aurors anymore", Tori said and handed back the cloak and toy wand she got to borrow.

"Tomorrow then?" Bella asked.

"Tori is going to visit her grandparents tomorrow", Albus said.

"Can't Bella come too?" Tori asked. "Please?"

"Is that okay for you?" Albus asked Delphi. 

"If your parents are okay with it", Delphi said.

"Yaaay", Bella and Tori cheered in unison.

Before Albus and Tori went home they stopped to buy some take away burgers (plant based since no one in the family ate meat these days), and put on a good movie while eating them. Of course Tori got to pick which one.

"When is papa coming home?" Tori asked.

"When the movie is over", Albus said. "So. Did you and Bella have fun today?"

"Yes! We're gonna be aurors when we grow up."

"Aurors? I'm sure grandpa can teach you all about it", Albus said, without mentioning his concern if she actually became one.

"Is it true that Azkaban used to be guarded by dementors before?" Tori asked.

"Who told you about dementors?" Albus asked surprised his daughter mentioned them.

"Bella said they're like dark ghosts that suck the happiness out of you", Tori said.

"Well." Albus couldn't lie to her. "They used to a long time ago. You don't need to worry about them though."

Later at night he kept worrying about where and how Bella found out all about dementors, hoping she didn't hear it from Delphi. What worried him the most though was why Tori would ask him about them. Was she really scared?

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