Chapter 9

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"Muuuum!" Greta called in the middle of Lola's screams.

"Mummy will be with you once I put your sister to sleep", Lily called back as she kept rocking her crying baby. "Ssch."

"But mum! Rocky pushed me!"

"I told you to keep away from my stuff and you wouldn't listen!" Rocky pointed out.

"Play nice, kids!" was all that Lily could say.

Once Lola was finally put to sleep Lily went to check on her other children, who were doing crafts in Rocky's room.

"Everything alright in here?" she asked.

"Rocky is teaching me how to make a pygmy plush. She's really good at it", Greta said.

"Greta", Rocky pointed out.

"Sorry. I meant they", Greta said.

"Just remember to keep your voices low. I just put Lola to sleep", Lily told them. "And be careful with those scissors."

"Will do", Rocky said.

As soon as Lily left the room there was a knock on the door. Whoever it could be she went to answer it.

"Albus?" she said when she found her brother by the doorstep, looking rather upset.

"Hi", he cracked out. "Can I come in?"

"Yes, of course", Lily said without hesitation and let her brother in immediately.

"Uncle Albus!" Rocky called as they stormed into the hallway followed by Greta.

"Hey kiddos", Albus said and squatted down to hug them both.

"Do you wanna make pygmy plushies with us?" Greta asked.

"Actually I came to speak with your mum for a bit, but I could join you later", Albus said.

"Why don't you go to your room and uncle Albus will be right with you", Lily said.

"Okay", Rocky said and went back to their room with Greta.

"Can I get you anything?" Lily asked Albus. "I have both tea and coffee."

"Some tea would be nice", Albus said. "Just keep the ear wax away, will you?"

"Oh haha", Lily said who once pulled a prank on him as a kid, by addig an ear wax flavoured bean to his tea.

She started heating up the water as her brother took a seat by the table.

"How are you doing?" Lily asked once she served the tea and took her own seat.

"Not so good", Albus said. "Scorpius left last night."


"Things have been rough in our relationship lately. I think last night took the full blast of it." He took a deep breath before he could continue. "He left me a note. Saying we should take some time away from each other before anything gets worse. Guess it's only a matter of time before he sends the divorce application."

"Oh sweetie", Lily said and grabbed Albus's hand in support as he started crying. "I know it must be tough for you. And I couldn't be happier for someone like Scorpius in this family. Just remember that you are one important person who doesn't need a partner to complete you."

"But Scorpius is not just a partner", Albus said. "He's... Scorpius. He's the reason I am where I am today."

"Look. Even if you decide to... end your marriage, I'm sure you'll find your way back to each other. Cause whether you're husbands, friends or whatever label. You're a team, you two. Everything you've gone through together. And your daughter who keeps growing. There's no way you'll be living apart for good."

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