Chapter 10

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Tori was sat in the courtyard reading. She still hadn't figured out why Bella wouldn't talk to her. In fact she hadn't seen her around in a while. Not even in their dorm.

"Sitting here by yourself?" the familiar voice of Jovie was heard.

"Feel free to join" Tori said and Jovie had a seat beside her. "Everything okay with you?"

"I'm just... so confused about everything", Jovie began. Tori put her book away to listen to what they had to say. "I wanted to show my parents my new haircut. So I sent them a photo. However when they found out about Aria and Amanda doing it they got furious. So I said it's what they get for refusing to take me to a proper hairdresser. And they just kept going on about the whole it's-fine-if-you-want-to-be-a-girl-with-short-hair thing."

"I'm sorry to hear that", Tori said and took their hand in support.

"And this whole identity thing. I don't know how to tell them."

"You want me to talk to papa about it? I'm sure he could help them understand and be a good support."

"There's more", Jovie said and looked at Tori. "I'd like to change the spelling of my name. Instead of V-I-E I'd like it to end with E-Y."

"As in Joey?" Tori asked.

"Yeah. Joey", Joey said. "And... I'm currently trying out the he and him pronouns. I'm still fine with they and them. Just felt like adding another."

"I could definitely use them if you want to."

"And lastly", Joey said and took a deep breath. "I'm thinking of asking for my own room. No offence. I do love hanging out with you guys and I want to keep having our slumber parties. I just don't want to be seen as one of the girls."

"Oh no, don't worry about that, we completely understand. You do whatever makes you feel comfortable. And you're always welcome to visit us."

"That's very sweet", Joey said and smiled.

"That's what friends are for, isn't it?" Tori said.

Joey looked around at the other students passing by. "Still no word from Bella?" they asked.

Tori shook her head. "I don't know what to do. She's clearly up to something, I just don't know what."

"You mean as in being-in-danger up to something?"

"That's what scares me."

* * * * *

Albus was sitting in his office going through reports, one by one, before there was a knock on his door.

"What's the emergency?" he called.

The door opened and in came Mr Callum, Harry's assistant.

"I don't mean to bother you, but there are two things", he said.

"Okay, shoot", Albus sighed and put the papers down.

"First. This is for you", Callum said and gave him a letter. "And second. Your father wants to see you."

"That will have to wait. I haven't finished the reports yet."

"It seems pretty urgent."

"You may have to bring him here then."

"He wants you in his office", Callum said losing his patience.

Albus sighed once again. "Fine. But it'll have to be quick."

He made his way straight to Harry's office for whatever was coming up.

"You wished to see me?" he said once he reached the office.

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