Chap.11"there's something you want to tell me?

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Please read ⚠️*I don't know if this can be a tw for eating desorder,but i write it Just to make you know It,i don't want to make you uncomfortable(i am a bit but,it's not a big tw)*

*Lizzie pov*
We spent an amazing evening,now was time forn dinner,so me and Scarlett were cocking while y/n was on the couch watching her fingers....i don't know but from this morning she seems a bit off and i know that something Is bothering her but i can't get what

"Ok ,dinner is ready,y/n come here "



"Oh yeah s-sorry,i'm coming!"

We all sit on the table and starting to eat ,than y/n said:" ammm....can i .....go to the bathroom,Just for a moment ?.."

"Of course yes! You don't need to ask,think of this house like your home oke?!" Maeby not like your last home..

".... i'm going for just a few minutes"

And than she went to the bathroom


"Yeah Scar?"

"Is y/n ok? We almost finishe dinner and she doesn't even touch her food...Is she maeby allergic to something?"

"Not that i know ,but i can feel that something Is wrong with her,she seem a bit off.."

"..yeah....try and give her some time , it's a new Life,new home,new everything,maeby she's Just a bit lost "

Scar tried to help me,and she almost did,but i knew that there was something more.

*Y/n pov*

I went to the bathroom and i just sit on the floor with my back against the door...
And i started crying....couse i can' eat..... I never did at home, f-fa....'he' never let me eat so now i'm used to it....but i don't want to seem ungratefull to Lizzie and Scarlett,couse they spent a lot of time to make it....

"Y/n! Are you ok? You're in there for a while now,Is everything alright ?"

"Y-yeah! I'm ok! I'm coming soon!" I tried to speak covering the fact that i cried

".. Oke , we're waiting for you !"

After a few second i clean myself and try to pretend to be ok and i make my way to the kitchen.

"Hey baby! You ok? You want to eat something ?" Lizzie asked me ,worried

",thanks ... i'm not really hungry now...sorry... "

"That's ok, it's not a problem ,you can eat tomorrow,now we can just rest or watch a film ok?"


*Lizzie pov*

Than Scarlett comes near me and said:

"Lizzie,now i'm going home ok ? Ah,tomorrow we have to shot some scenes,are you coming to set ?"

"Mmmmmm.i don't know,if y/n Is comfortable to go out and coming to set with me ok,but i don't want to force her ,i ask her when we're alone,and i text you ok? "

"Ok,and keep me updated "

"Of course,se you soon bye !"

"Bye! Bye y/n!"

" Bye Scarlett!"y/n said

Than me and y/n sit on the couch,and she start playing with her fingers,so i took her hand in mine and we watch eachother in the eyes

"There's something you want to tell me ?"

".......y-yes....but..... i'm not really comfortable with that....but ...i wanted to tell you...."

"That's ok,take your time ,i don't want to force you ok? " I can fell that is not a good think,but i will stay here with her in any case.

" i was never let me.......he never let me ....e....aaaa i can't do it!!" And she started crying

"Nooo,baby! Don't cry it's ok ,it's ok,you can tell me in another moment ok? Now rest ,try to sleep , i'm not going anywhere"

After a while she stopped crying and i saw that she was sleeping,so i relax a bit knowing that now she was a little bit better.

I don't undestand what her father never let her do,and i don't want to push her ,so i just have to wait till she's comfortable telling me that.

<<And her i am,yeah i'm not dead....i'm still here! Yay!... Oke enought,i Hope you like this,i was a bit insecure writing this but It comes out pretty well. Have a nice day/evening/night and take care of yourself bye!<3 >>

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