Chap.13 "small bite"

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I don't really know if this is A tw for eating desorder,but i write it just in case

*Y/n pov*

After that Little fight we talk all the morning and we cleared everything up, I apologized several times because I didn't want to shout at her like that ... I feel soo guilty ...

"Ok,now that we cleared everything,we can have breakfast! What would you like ?"

"Y/n,you want some breakfast?"

"I....i have to tell you something..." I'm very nervous right now

"Ok ,you know you can tell me everything"

" remember when i told you ..that my father never let me do something?"

"Yeah ,i remember,but you don't have to tell me now ,if you're not comfortable"

"...i want to tell you ..... When we were at home....he never left me.....ufff...ok....he never let me eat....i barely eat when i was alone....but i'm not use to It anymore.......s-sorry ..." I said with tears in my eyes

*Lizzie pov*

Oh god,how could someone dome something like this !!!????

"Hey,you have nothing to be sorry for, ok? I'm here to help you ,come here"

We than hug for a long time and i kiss her forhead

"Ok, let's just try a cup of juice and a cookie, just one,ok? Would you like to try ?"


I made two glasses with the juice, which I think she will drink and two cookies one for me and one for her.

"Ok, let's try this ok? Take a little sip of the juice and than take a bit bite of the cookie,i will do it with you"

*Y/n pov*

Lizzie undestand me and my fear ,so she's eating with me.

I took a sip of the juice,and it's preatty nice,i like orange juice ,and than the hard part..the cookie

Lizzie placed her hand on mine and we look in the eyes

"Don't be afraid, i'm here, in any case ,ok?!"

"Y-yea....ok..,i think i'm ready..."

"Ok,remember,small bite,don't rush the process"

I took a small bite of the cookie,It was nice,i don't eat a cookie for a while

"Yayyyy,good job!! See?! You're doing great!!"

Lizzie was probably more exited than me

"Yeah!! I think i'm going to take another bite ,i feel like i can handle It."

"Oke, that's good,but remember you're not forced to do anything" She smiles me,the biggest smile i've ever seen

I smiled back,i was sooo Happy,now lizzie know everything and i can tell her everything!!

I took another bite,than stopped,couse i fell like of i take another one i'm gonne trow up,and i don't want to,so i just drink my juice ,and Lizzie finished all of her breakfast.

Now we're on the couch cuddling eachother,and i'm going to ask something to Lizzie but we spoked at the same time:

" Lizzie" "Y/n"

"Oh Sorry,you first"

"Oh,you sure ?"

"Yeah Lizzie ,go on !"

"Ok,i wanted to ask you something,this time is nothing bad,ok?i promise kissed a few times,and ...It was great..actually i love it...i don't know if you're ok,but... would
you be my girlfriend?.."

I was shocked,i was going to ask her the same thing !!!!

" can say no if-"


"Yes,yes yes, i want to ! And i was going to ask you the same thing sooo! Eh eh ."

We spent the all day togheter,chatting, laughing and watching films,than It comes dinner

"Ok,y/n would you like to try some egg? "

"Ammm ....i...think's ok..."

"Hey ,you know that if you don't want It anymore you can leave It "

"Yeah,but i don't want to  make you waste so much time on something I would barely eat..."

"Hey, it's ok,i will eat It ,if you don't want It! It's not a problem,ok? I'm here for you baby!"

I went totally red and she saw that

"Are you ok?! You're a bit red!"

"Nope!" I try to cover my red face turning around but she already saw It

"I saw that ! You're blushing!! You're blushing!! You're so cute baby!! Come here "

She then hugged me and we kissed for a few second

"It's cute when you're blushing !"

"Yeah yeah! Like you don't blush at all! "

"I never did"

"Yeah? And what where you doing when Scarlett told you that last night ? You were like a real tomato!"

"That's not true ! Ahahah ,it's impossible !"

"Yeah ,like now you're totally red! That's Lizzie tomato!! Ahahahah ,you're cute too, don't worry !"

"Lizzie tomato ?!!! What Is It a new horror movie?"

"Nha, Just my girlfriend!" I said,and than i,this word it's something i've never believe i would said.

"W-what happend ? Why did you stop? "

"Nothing ,let's just trying to eat something "

"No no no ,wait ,what happend ?"

"...oke,.. It's Just that i never said that Word"

"What word?"

"DID i have to said It again? "

"Yeah, i wonna hear It !"

" Okey, girlfriend!!"

"Yayyyy!!! That's true , i'm your girlfriend!!" Lizzie was so happy

"Ok,now i would like to try and eat something"

"Ok, remember,small bite "

"Yeah ,small bite "

I ate a little, I'm sorry to leave more than half an egg on the plate but I couldn't help it, I have to take it back regularly.
Than we move on the bed,and Lizzie start to kiss me on the cheek,than on the lips and she place herself on my lap.

"Oook,what are you trying to do Missy ??"

"Missy??? Ahahah,you could have called me Liz! "

"Nope,Missy was perfect for this moment, so?"

"Nothing,i just love kissing you !"

"Me too"

We kiss for another minutes than we start falling asleep.

Before i fall asleep i said to Lizzie:
" thank you"

<<Ok ,i know this is kind of triggering ,but hey i got NOTHING to do,cause i'm sick ,sooo,oh and from now on there's going to be more happy part,not only sad ,i promise >>

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