Chap.14 "at home alone"

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*Y/n pov*

The next few days went preatty well ,now i can eat some pasta too!!!
Lizzie helped me sooo much ,and i can't stop to thank her .

Every time she look at me the all world stopped ,it's just me and her ,no one....well in fact in this house there's only me and her 😅

Anyway today Lizzie was a little stressed,and i can't undestand why

"Lizzie "

"Y-yea  y/n?"

"Whoa ,y/n?? Were the nickname's gone ?"

"Sorry,i was just thinking"

"....can i ask you something?"


" you look know....a bit off....quiet...i was thinking you just....beign tired of me ..."

"WHAT! No no no, i'm not tired of you! At all! I was a little stressed about work,that's all! Come here"

We than hugged,for so long,and i loved it...i think i love her ...but i'm not ready to tell her this ,it's too soon

"Sooo....are you going to tell me what Is bothering you? "

"Ok....soo...this few days were amazing ,and i loved them,i love spend time with you....but-"

"But you have to go to work,right?!"

"...yeah...and i don't know if you're comfortable coming to work with me couse there are so many people,and you didn't exit house know.."

"It's ok Liz ,i undestand,i will stay here at home, it's not a big deal,i like here!"

"You're sure? All alone ? I won't come till 7p.m it's a long time ,what are you going to do? If you're hungry? You know how to cook? And of something happend,and if-"

I cut her off,She was so cute ,i know she's worried about me ,but i have esperience with that thing ,couse of my dad


" yeah?"

"Calm down! I will be ok,i can do It ,it's just till 7 ,i will stay here watching TV and eating something ,because i know how to cook,ok?"

"Ok,but ,if anything happend you call me, ok? anything! I mean It!"

"Ok,i promise , pinky promise ,here "
We made pinky promise and we kissed

"You know It was akward listening you calling me with my full name "

"Yeah ,for me too! But i had to do something ,you were rumbling and didn't stop so i had. Now go upstairs and get dressed,so you can go to work!"

"You're amazing! "She peck my lips and went to change herself to be ready for work

After a while she cane downstairs wearing dark jeans, a shirt with a short-sleeved shirt underneath

"You look amazing babe" i said while loocking at her,not her body,but her eyes,her emerald eyes ,that i love

"Thank you baby"

"Ok i have to go, there's everything in the kitchen if you're hungry,you can Watch TV, ah ,keep you're phone on,so i can call you and....i think it's everything"

"Oke mom!! I'm young yeah,but i'm not a baby , i'm gonna be fine Lizzie ,be carefull at work ,and say hello to Scarlett from me "

"Ok, i'l see you soon,stay safe "

"I will"

We kissed and she went to her car and she disappear on the road (i was watching her from the window)

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