How We Met (Method Man)

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Sitting around their living room, having their weekly family day Diamond and Cliff, known to the world as Method Man. We're telling their children the story on how they met.

"Y'all moms don't wanna tell y'all the part were she was sweating the kid" Cliff said look over at me with a dumb ass smirk on his face.

"Boy, please wasn't nobody checking for you" I exclaimed rolling my neck.

"Well if I'm anything like dad then I know he telling the truth, cuz I can't keep the shorties off me". Our oldest son, Miles said popping his imaginary collar.

"Boy if you don't shut ya lame ass up" our 13  year old, Denim said, mugging him"

"Aye, language little girl, don't get popped" I said mugging her badass.

"Anyways, like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted" glaring over at my husband I continued,

"Imma tell y'all what really happened since, ya father cappin"

"Ma, you wanna be young so bad" Denim said laughing.

"Shut the hell up so I can tell my story, the year was 1993....


20 year old Diamond and her best friends Nikki and Tiffany are getting ready to go out. They've been working extremely hard in college and they figured why not take a break to enjoy themselves with a night of fun on the town.

They happened to have chose one of the most dangerous clubs to go to "The Tunnel". Well Diamond basically was pressured to go by her friends since they "had" to be there.

There are alot of grimy clubs located in the State of New York but, The Tunnel took the cake. Known for brawls, robberies and shootings. There wasn't a Sunday that went pass without some kind of altercation taking place.

You see Sunday Nights was what we called "Hip Hop Night". Were the hottest rappers came through to perform from Jay-z to Lil Kim and many more dope artist.

Well this night Wutang was coming through and my homegirls swore we had to be in the building so they could meet their "man". See Nik had a thing for ODB while Tiff loved herself some Raekwon.

Grabbing our purses and jackets, we did a walk through of our apartment we shared to make sure we had everything we need.

After turning everything off, we locked up our house. We got into my car since its my turn to be the designated driver.

Before getting to the Tunnel you had to go through "the block" which is were we parked since we already knew we wouldn't be able to park in the parking lot.

The block was an jungle in itself. If you had any jewelry it was to be left in the car. If you thought you was tough enough to not get touched you would be proven wrong. If it wasn't some thugs trynna jack you, it was the security of The Tunnel.

Luckily, Diamond didn't have to worry about being touched because, let's just say her family is the ones who do the touching. See she comes from a very known family that don't take no shit. If someone was crazy enough to come for the Jackson family.... they would simply regret ever making that dumb decision.

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