Ups & Downs Nas x Naturi

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(Naturi Naughton x Nas)


I feel like I'm reaching my breaking point

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I feel like I'm reaching my breaking point.
Like a ticking time bomb, ready to explode.
It's like things keep happening to me, one thing after the next. Without anytime to recover, just blow after blow. Honestly, I don't know how much more I can take until I explode.

It seems like nothing's going right. I'm stressed with work right now. It's so many shows that I'm working on, I'm beginning to become overwhelmed. I don't want to complain because, I prayed for times like this but, now that it's here things can be overwhelming at times.

It's just so many things that I'm battling right now.

Then my marriage. If I had to use a word to describe the current state of it, I would use strained.

Don't get me wrong, I love Nasir with every fiber of my being. But, I honestly don't know if love is enough anymore. With the damage that has been done, I don't know if our marriage can be fixed.

And speaking of the devil, it seems as if I done spoke him up.

Walking into our bedroom he spoke.
"You didn't hear me calling you".

Looking up from my phone I told him.

"Well, if I didn't respond to you calling me then obviously not" I answered with a dry tone.

"Yo, why you gotta be smart I just asked a simple question" he replied with a frown

"I don't know how else you want me to reply. You asked me a question and I gave you an answer". I told him matter factly.

Sitting back in our California King Size bed, I set my phone to the side. Grabbing the remote to search for a movie to watch on Hulu.

Ignoring, the feeling of him staring a hole in the side of my head. I decided to watch "Poetic Justice". Feeling a dip on his side of the bed, I paid him no mind waiting for the movie to begin. And just as the opening scene came on he took the remote from my hand turning the tv off.

"Let me talk to you for a minute" he spoke leaning back against the many pillows getting comfortable.

"Why the hell would you do that when you seen I was bout to watch that!" I yelled looking at him as if he lost his mind.

"Because, we need to talk" he explained calmly unfazed by my attitude.

"Now you wanna talk, but when I wanted to you didn't" I said folding my arms rolling my eyes.

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