It Was All A Dream pt2

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Pulling up at the emergency entrance, the girls jumped out of the moving car, running into the ER. The only thing on their minds was seeing about their sister and nephew. Fortunately, the car was going under 10mph because, under different circumstances they could've been seriously injured.
To Devin's benefit, there was one parking spot left nearby the entrance, so he wouldn't be too far behind them.

After parking, he said a quick prayer asking God, to prepare him for whatever he was about to walk into. Making his way into the E.R., as soon as he entered he could hear Jace yelling and cussing at the top of her lungs. Not yet, in his viewpoint, he followed where the commotion was coming from. Turning the corner, he saw Jace leaning over the receptionist desk, cursing the receptionist out while Jazmine tried her best to calm her down.

"Damn, I leave their ass alone, for five minutes and she already acting a fool" he thought to himself, shaking his head. Coming up beside them, he quickly picked her small frame up, throwing her over his shoulder.

With Jazmine, trailing behind him, he carried Jace away as she yelled profanities and threats.

"Yeah, hoe you better thank my brother for saving you from this ass whooping". She boasted and taunted

"Girl, chill out. Were gonna get kicked out before we even find any info out"
He scolded her, as he placed her on her feet in the waiting room.

"Man, I'm not trying to hear that shit. That bitch was being hella disrespectful, all I was trying to do is find out about my sister and nephew's well-being. And, I was greeted with her nasty ass attitude. Ain't nobody force her miserable ass to work here. That hoe had the right one today " She frowned, as she fixed and adjusted her clothes.

"Sis, I get that, I really do. But, we have bigger shit to worry about" Devin nodded, agreeing with Jazmine.

"We'll handle that bitch later" she continued, earning a nudge from Devin. Looking at her with a  "you for real right now" facial expression.

She shrugged, taking a seat causing them to do the same.

"Did you talk to mom and dad" Jazmine asked, looking over at Jace.

"Yeah, they are the ones who called me and told me. They're on a flight now." She replied, gaining a nod from Jazmine.

Although, they no longer lived in the same state as them, Jessica still had her parents listed as her emergency contact. Seeing as though she wasn't the closest with her middle and baby sister.

After, their parents retired last year. Just as they planned, they moved to Miami, and have been traveling around the world together for the last 8 months. When they received the news the were actually in Hawaii on vacation. Due, to connecting flights it will definitely be a minute until they land in Atlanta.

As hours passed, the two sisters tried their best to maintain their sanity but, it began to become more and more difficult by the minute. Did, they have the best relationship with their sister, absolutely not. But, regardless of the trios up's and downs, they loved each other the best they knew how. Sometimes their best just wasn't enough, the guilt of possibly never having the opportunity to rectify things were eating them both up. Devin, tried his best to console them both, and reassure them that everything will be okay.

Finally, after the long wait they were met with a doctor who would hopefully give them answers and put there minds at ease.

"Family of Jessica and Noah Sullivan" the middle aged, black doctor called out looking up from his clipboard.

"That's us" Jazmine spoke, as they approached him giving their undivided attention.

"How are you guys, I'm Doctor Stephens, the chief trauma surgeon. Sorry, we had to meet under these unfortunate circumstances" he sympathized with them.

"Thank you, what's going on with my sister
and nephew. Are they okay?" Jace anxiously asked.

"As of now, Jessica is about to head into her second emergency surgery. She has some pretty extensive injuries. She's suffered sons blunt force trauma to her left frontal lobe, a fractured spine, a broke tale bone, a shattered femur, and some internal bleeding. With the first surgery we successfully stopped the bleeding. She's in critical condition but, she's stable enough to operate on. It's imperative that these corrective surgeries are done as soon as possible, so when can get on the long road of recovery"

"So, with the next few surgeries we'll be able to find out the extent off damage caused from the injuries she sustained. And, with that info, it'll allow us to make a plan of action in reference to the care she'll receive. Nonetheless, your sister is a fighter, she's strong. She's nowhere out the woods yet, we still have a long fight ahead. But I have hope, the fact that she didn't instantly succumb to the car accident is a miracle in itself.

"Okay, what about Noah?" Jazmine quickly questioned, not even processing the news of her sister. Her mind was racing, and her heart felt like it was going to explode. Not knowing if her nephew was dead or alive had her beyond overwhelmed. If she didn't get answers soon she would snap.

"Thankfully, Noah only walked away from the accident with a broken arm and a few scratches.

"Also, it is hospitals policy that we notify Noah's next of kin which in this case would be his father. Would, you guys have a number we could reach him. While his name is listed we don't have any of his information.

"No, unfortunately we never meet him" Whenever, Jessica was asked about Noah's father she brushed it off. Never, giving her family or anyone for that matter a straight answer.

"Uhm...right here" he flipped, through a few pages on his clipboard before landing on the page he was searching for.

"A Mr, Devin Hollins, is listed as the father.
If there is anyway you guys coul-

As soon as those words left the doctors mouth, there
lives would be forever changed . Life as they once knew it would never be the same.....

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