Ups and Downs Part2

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Man, I really fucked up yo

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Man, I really fucked up yo. And, I don't know what to do or where to go from here. I feel like I'm losing my family right before my eyes.
All because, of a dumb ass mistake I made.

It's been 3 whole months, now since Naturi put me out. The only time we communicate is when it comes to our 3 kids. Or when she's horny and wants some dick. Other than that, anytime I try to bring up anything pertaining to us, and our relationship she curves me.

I know y'all are kind of confused. Because, all y'all know is that she put a nigga out. So, imma give y'all the backstory on how we got here.

About a year ago, I was out of town on business in Miami. I met this chick by the name of Carmen, at my hotel's bar. We was chopping it up, laughing and having a good time. We spent hours at the bar, just talking and enjoying each other's company. I promise y'all not once did I flirt with shorty or cross any lines while we was chilling.

I honestly, was just enjoying her presence. Because, during that little bit of time of interacting with her, she was like a breathe of fresh air. At the time, Naturi and I wasn't on the best of terms. We had just separated from one another.

I mean we was at each other's neck heavy. We had a lot of built up frustration and anger for one another. From both of us not prioritizing our relationship. You know how it is when your successful and have kids, and other responsibilities . It's a lot on your plate and sometimes you lose focus on what's important.

We knew it wasn't healthy for us to be arguing and fighting like that especially, with having kids involved. So as a collective we decided to take a break from one another, regroup and come back together once we figured out how we was moving. And what decisions we needed to make.

Anyways, after one, two many shots of d'usse, I was faded. So, I decided that it was best for me to head to my room and call it a night.

"It was nice meeting you shorty, but I gotta go lay down... A n-nigga faded" I told her chuckling.

Checking, her phone she responded. "Yea, me too. It's 2 in the morning, I didn't realize it was this late".

Both of us got up from the bar grabbing our belongings. Going into her purse to pay for her drinks, I stopped her.

"I gotchu" I told her digging into my pocket pulling out a wad of 100s.

"You sure" she questioned, seeming unsure.

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