Pride Aside (Dave East)

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Dave East

"Fucking Robitussin" everybody in the party belted out, vibing to the music.

"Nigga this song that shit" he yelled to Breezy, holding the bottle up in the air
swaying from side to side.

"Good looking my nigga" he smiled, vibing right along with everybody else.
Taking a swig out of his personal bottle of Don Julio,
He sat on the couch in his section. Taking a sigh of relief, he closed his eyes leaning back against the leather couch.

Finally, being able to take some much needed time to himself, he pulled out his blunts and weed, deciding to roll up. He was in desperate need of some sort of relief, after the day he's had. Hectic wasn't even the word to begin to describe the day for himself and his whole team. Today, was the grand opening of his new venture and business, East Co. Lounge. So he's been running around all day, like a chicken with his head cut off.

He didn't have the help he was used to having.
Both, of his personal assistants are on paid leave. One just had a baby so she was on maternity leave. And, then right after, the other one got sick with double pneumonia. A few people in his circle had gotten sick with a little bug as of recent. He was so thankful to God for his strong immune system because, the last thing he needed to do was to get sick and have to push the grand opening back.

Instead, of hiring temporary assistants, he decided to take over and handle everything on his own.
Not wanting to deal with the whole stressful process of having to recruit someone and teach them the ends and outs of his schedule in such short timing. Initially, he thought it would be easy and everything would be smooth sailing. Until he got into the thick of things.

Especially, with being right in the middle of preparing for his new album release, The Book of David. Thankfully, he was pretty much was done with the recording process, all that was needed now was for features and samples to be cleared. Along, with coming up with the art work for the album cover.

On top of that, he still had a laundry list of other responsibilities. Performances, prior promised engagements, hosting's and fitting in acting gigs on the side. While, maintaining his other businesses outside of the lounge, like his store "From The Deli NYC". Lastly, the most important responsibility out of them all his baby girl, Kairi. Although, it's a lot at times, he refused to complain about his blessings.

He's been doing good for himself for a minute, but it still feels like it was yesterday, when he was still in the projects trying to find a way out .
And, like his granny always told him "To whom much is given, much is required". So he counts it all a privilege to have a full plate because, he can remember when he had bread crumbs.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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