Family Reunion Part2

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Entering into the kitchen, with Monica trailing behind me, Nana, my Aunty Lisa and her son Myles were laughing and talking amongst each other

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Entering into the kitchen, with Monica trailing behind me, Nana, my Aunty Lisa and her son Myles were laughing and talking amongst each other.

"My babies" Nana greeted us with open arms.

"Hey, Nana" we both greeted her back, taking turns hugging her.

"Hey TeTe" I said walking over to my Aunt Lisa.

"Hey TeTe" I said walking over to my Aunt Lisa

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Aunt Lisa

"Hey, baby girl" she greeted back hugging me.

"What's, hatnin' cuz" Myles said greeting me next with open arms.

"What's, hatnin' cuz" Myles said greeting me next with open arms

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Walking into his embrace, we shared a hug.

"Nun, I missed youuu cousin" I exclaimed.

I really have missed him, with us both being busy we've barely had time to hang.

"I know, I missed you too. You know you my favorite lil cousin" he replied smiling down at me.

"Wassup, Mo" he said hugging her as she came over to us.

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