At The End of Everyday Teyana Taylor x Method Man

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(Teyana Taylor x Method Man)

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(Teyana Taylor x Method Man)


My hands trembled as the timer on my phone sounded off, indicating that 5 minutes had passed by, when it really felt like 20.
Picking up the test to see the results I saw two lines, just like the last two test I took before this one. Indicating, that I was indeed pregnant.

My eyes began to sting as tears welled up in them. Feeling my mouth water, and my stomach churn, I rushed over to the toilet dropping to my knees just in time. After about 5 minutes of nonstop vomiting it finally let up. After flushing the toilet, I sat up against the wall trying to recollect myself and calm down.
After, I felt like I was okay I got up to brush my teeth.

Rinsing, my mouth out then using mouthwash. I took my face rag wiping my tear stained face. Staring into the mirror, I was met with my reflection. The reflection of a young woman who was beyond scared. Scared of all the possibilities of how this situation could turn out.

Exiting the bathroom, I walked to my bedroom that was next door. Quietly, closing the door in hopes of not awakening my sleeping boyfriend.
He worked a 12hr overnight shift last night so I know he's beyond tired.
The last thing I wanted to do was disturb him. Gently, sliding into bed
I laid on my back staring at the ceiling, with so many thoughts running through my head.

I felt my heart began to race, as my hands started to sweat and I began to feel nauseous. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath in hopes of calming myself down. I was on the verge of a panic attack. Slowly inhaling, then exhaling in hopes that it'll work but it didn't. And, just as my anxiety was about to take over, Cliff pulled me into his chest wrapping his muscular arms around me.

Kissing my forehead with his eyes still closed, he held my head against his chest, cradling it.
Letting out a sigh of relief, I listened to his heartbeat as his chest slowly rose then fell.
Ignoring my thoughts and focusing on calming down, my heart rate gradually slowed down and my heavy breathing subsided.
Becoming in tune with his heart rate and breathing.

It was like even in his sleep he could still sense my need for comfort. The way that he's in tune with me is still mind blowing to me.
With just a simple touch he had the ability to make me feel safe.
Exhausted, my eyes began to become heavy and before I knew it I was knocked out right along with him.


Stirring in my sleep, feeling myself being shaken, I ignored it. The last thing I wanted to do was be woken up out of the most peaceful sleep I've had in a minute. Feeling, kisses being planted all over my face
I couldn't help but smile as my baby kissed on me.

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