Chapter 12 - Whatever, Mom

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3rd Person POV

Khiya stormed into James' office, slamming the door behind her. She glared at her parents, then turned her death stare, which intensified, towards James.

'What the fuck are they doing here?' She asked, venom lacing her voice.

'Language, dear.' Her mother whispered.

'English. And by any means, you don't tell me what to do. Not after what you said to me. And neither do you,' she growled, looking at her father, 'you fucking abandoned me. And you,' she hissed, stalking towards James, 'you can fucking burn in Hell. I'm leaving.' She turned and left the room. James ran after her, muttering an apology to his mate's parents. He caught up to her on the stairs and pulled her to a stop by her shoulder.

'You're one persistent piece of shit, I'll give you that.' She said. He winced at the impact of her words.

'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have slept with Kiesha. We - we have a past, she just... Got to me. I can never be sorry enough. Okay? I don't expect you to forgive me.'

'You're right. What you did was lousy. I mean, the lowest of the low. But you know what? I'll end up forgiving you, because you're my mate. I shouldn't, but I will, I can see it coming. But, after everything I told you about my past, after everything I said, you called my parents?!' She exploded. 'Why the fuck would you do that?'

'I'm sorry,' he looked at his feet, nervously, 'I know it was the wrong thing to do, but I thought it was what was best for you.'

'Why? You thought I needed to talk to the parents that abandoned me because they were disappointed that their only son had run off and I was all they had left? Why? Because you cheated on me with some whore the day after our wedding?'

'I... Uh, I thought you'd forgiven me for that...'

'No. I said I will forgive you. Not that I already have.'

'We'd better go talk to your parents, I guess.'

'Nope. Tell them to go home. Tell them to never contact me or George, again. Please.'
Khiya begged, quietly. James nodded.

Khiya walked to her room and lay down on her bed, closing the door behind her. She fell asleep almost instantly. It had been a long week.

Hello again.
So I bet you're wondering if I'm feeling okay, bc two updates in one day huh ;)
Anywhore, have I got news for you? That was actually the last chapter. The next is the epilogue.

Well... It's been fun.
Comment (srsly your comments make my day... Well night, it's 12:20am here)

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