Chapter 5 - Moving Day

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It had been three weeks since my outburst. I hadn't spoken to James about it, I did what my brain usually resolved to. I tried my best to repress the memories. For the previous two weeks, James had been giving me the Silent Treatment, as punishment for my silence about my past.

It was a sunny Saturday morning. Outside, birds were singing, children were playing and the sun was shining. Inside, I was struggling to get out of bed. Suddenly, my phone vibrated, sending my, already disoriented, head spinning in spirals. I picked up my phone and opened the most recent, unopened text. It was him.

It said: 'Hey, ur moving to th pack house 2night. J, x'.
Excuse me? No fucking way.

I text him back: 'Hahaha haha ha. No. K, x'.

Fuck you Mr Alpha.

My phone buzzed: 'Khiya, you fucking are. Don't disrespect your alpha. J, x


'You can't not talk to me for two fucking weeks, and then tell me what to do, James. Just reject me and get it the fuck over with. K'.

He didn't reply. A few minutes later there was a knock at my door. I walked downstairs and opened the door. I crossed my bare arms over my chest and shifted my weight to my right leg. James looked at my naked legs - I was wearing black shorts - and up to my thin, grey, vest top. When he finally looked up to my eyes, his were full of lust and regret.

'I'm sorry.' The whisper that escaped his lips was so quiet, I almost didn't hear it. I stepped outside, the damp pebbles chilling my pale feet. His hand reached my cheek, 'So, so sorry.' I threw my arms around his tall frame and kissed the entirety of his beautifully chiseled face.

'What're you sorry for? It was my fault, not yours.' I whispered into his neck.

'I was talking to George while I was texting you... H-he told me...'

'What the fuck did he tell you?' I demanded.

'Just... uh,' He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, 'Um, that you were abused when you were younger?' He turned it into a question and rage boiled inside my stomach. 'He didn't go into any details. That's all he said.'

'That son of a bitch! I'm going to fucking kill him!' I yelled, storming toward the street. I heard quick footsteps following me and before I could protest, I was picked up bridal style, and marched into the house.

'I'm not letting you kill your brother, and I'm not fucking rejecting you, but we're going to talk about this. I need to hear what happened... From you.'

*** 3 hours later***

'I just can't believe what that bastard did to you. You're safe now, you belong to me.'

James kissed the side of my head. We had talked for hours about what happened, and how we were going to move on from it. In the end, I agreed to move into the pack house.

'Baby, the pack house is different from the HQ.' He whispered, holding me close to him.

'In what way, James?' I asked, my anxiety seeping into my voice.

'The HQ is where my parents, the current alpha and luna, live. When it's our time, we will live in the pack house until - as is the present situation - the future alpha is ready to take over the responsibilities of the role. That is when we will move to the HQ. It is basically where all alliances are formed, treaties agreed upon and business settled.'

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