Chapter 2 - Beautiful

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I put Khiya on my back and carried her to the receptionist's office. Light, my wolf, howled at the closeness.

'Hey, Susan. I'm taking her out,' I pointed at Khiya, 'that okay?' She just nodded and looked at us in confusion as I ran out of the building and to my car. I set her down and she walked towards the passenger door.

Damn. She's beautiful. Light purred. I sighed, yeah I knew. I got in the car, as I sat down she hit me with a ton of questions.

'What's your name?'

'James Robert Shaw.'

'Wait, are you Lily's brother?'


'How old are you?'

'18, my turn for questions.' We drove in silence as I thought about my question. 'What's your name?'

'Khiya Maria Thatcher.'

'What a beautiful name, just right for its owner.' She blushed. 'How old are you, Khiya?'

'17, 18 in a couple of months.'

'Oh, we'll have to celebrate.'

'Yeah, if I accept you.' I stopped the car.

'What?' Pain and betrayal could be heard in my voice.

'I mean, I try and stay away from authoritative figures, I tend to intimidate them.'

'Well, you don't intimidate me. And what makes you think I won't reject you?'

'You're obviously attached already, I mean kidnapping me from school, just so we can get to know each other?' She giggled and I had to admit it was the cutest thing I'd ever heard.

'Right, well I'll give you brownie points for that. I'll just have to change your mind, won't I?' I got out of the car and walked round to open her door. I extended my hand and helped her exit the black Aston Martin.

'That's a beautiful car by the way.' She commented, coiling her arms around herself for warmth. I took off my jacket and wrapped it tightly around her shoulders. To be fair to her, she was tall... For a girl. I was six foot so the top of her head only reached my chin. I took her hand and pulled her into the woods. When we reached my favourite spot - a grassy bank, surrounded by towering trees - I put my school bag on the ground and lay with my head on it. I pulled Khiya down so that her head was across my chest.

'So,' I looked down at her, 'how come you're a rogue?' She sighed.

'Well, my father was alpha of our pack. I was an only child so their was no male heir. My parents were so disappointed. They started trying for another baby, so I left. I know when I'm not wanted.' Oh my God! Poor baby! I tried my best to sound sympathetic.

'Aww, sugar, you'll always be wanted where I'm concerned.' She looked at me.


'Of course! You're my mate, I'll always want you.' She blushed. 'Please,' I whispered, 'just give me a chance.'

'On one condition,' Her piercing blue eyes seemed to gaze into my soul, 'I won't have to change for anyone. Not my look, not my attitude and not my personality.'

'Certainly. I'd do a lot more than just that for you.'

'In that case, you can make me pancakes for breakfast every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.' She smirked.

'Anything for my princess.' I smiled. 'So, what's your favourite colour?'

'Red, like the blood of my enemies.'

'Okay, what?' I asked, chuckling.

'I'm kidding, it's green.' She smiled.

'Well, mine's blue.' I said, maintaining eye contact. We lay on the bank for a while, just asking each other stupid questions like, 'what time do you get up in the morning?' and 'are you usually loud or quiet?'. This went on for a while.

'Jamie, 'm tired.' Mumbled Khiya, snuggling into my side and watching the sky turn dark and still. I picked her up and put her over my shoulder. 'This is not the least bit comfortable, you know.' She stated as I carried her to the car. I chuckled and drove her to my house.

'You can sleep here tonight. Unfortunately we'll have to share my bed as we've got no other rooms. Because, you know, this is what I refer to as the pack hq.' I winked.

'But... My clothes...? My makeup...? My jammies!?' She yelled.

'Don't worry, between Lily and my mom, we'll set you up.' She agreed and I took her into the house and up the stairs. I let Lily help her change because I'm (in Khiya's words) 'a bad, horny alpha guy'... Well then. I stripped to my boxers and got into bed. A few moments later, Khiya entered the room in a large, over sized jumper and a pair of loose leggings.

'Don't hog the blanket.' She muttered as she got into bed, falling asleep almost straight away. I looked at her. My mate was adorable.


What's up Sugar Nuggets? Yeah, this is short... again... Sorry, but it's either a few long, boring chapters or lots of short, cute or funny or whatever ones. :)

Brownie points to anyone who can guess my song of the week. Hint, it's by My Chemical Romance... Hint, it's not Helena or I'm Not Okay...




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