Chapter 8: Heart-To-Heart

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With a light yawn, Scotti plopped down on the couch first. Everyone else (except Sebastian, he took the floor again) sat next to him. "So, what are you lovely folks in the mood for?" the brunette asked.

"Anything," Sebastian groaned, flopping over so that he was laying flat on the floor. "I'm fucking starving."

"Okay. How about pizza?" Savannah suggested. She was a firm believer in the opinion that you can never go wrong with pizza.

"Nah, I don't want that," Sebastian replied, without hesitation. It took a few moments for his contradiction to hit him, and when it did, he grinned, without saying a word.

Snake looked at him incredulously. "You literally just said—"

"Shut up. Give me something else."

"Um—" Savannah began, trying to think of something, but Rachel cut her off:

"Chinese food. That shit really hits the spot."

Sebastian sat up, grunting at the effort (he didn't use his hands; he instead did that sit-up maneuver that people who work out do). He chuckled. "You're not gonna believe this..."

"Sebastian!" Rachel laughed.

"Somebody's picky!" Scotti huffed. "Burger King."

   "No," Rob responded immediately. "I hate it there."

   "Subway," Rachel suggested.

   Snake shook his head violently. "No! I want something unhealthy, damn it!"

   "It probably is unhealthy, to be fair." Savannah thought for a minute, then said, "All right, if unhealthy is the route you wanna take, what about McDonald's?"

   "YES!" Snake and Sebastian shrieked at the same time, causing Savannah to lurch a little in surprise.

   "Sure," Rachel agreed.

   Scotti imagined greasy food and felt his stomach turn, since he was still hungover and very nauseous. But, despite the vomit-inducing characteristics of the food, it sounded good to him as well. So, he figured he'd face the consequences of indulging, come what may. That was future Scotti's problem; present Scotti could live a little. "What the hell. Why not?"

   Everyone looked at Rob for his approval. The man groaned, knowing that he would much rather get something else, but that nothing would get decided in the near future if he didn't acquiesce. "Fine."

   "Cool. I'm assuming you guys want your usuals?" Rachel asked, hopping up from the couch.

   Savannah smiled at how Rachel knew her McDonald's order. Granted, it was a pretty basic order that anyone could throw around in a lucky guess (a ten piece nugget with a medium fry, a small chocolate milkshake, and a lemonade), but she knew he wasn't guessing. He remembered. And that made her feel good. "Yeah."

   The rest of the band all confirmed they wanted their usuals. "All right," Rachel responded. "Does anyone wanna come with me to pick it up?"

   None of the Skids volunteered; they were still lazy from the night prior's events.

   So, because Savannah felt bad and wanted to keep Rachel company, she raised her hand, standing up. "I will."

   Rachel looked pleased to have a volunteer. "All right, let's go."

She nodded, saying her goodbyes to her colleagues before slipping out of the house with Rachel. The cold air hit her face, and she sighed happily. She couldn't place why, but sometimes air with a bit of a bite to it felt so nice to her.

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