Chapter 18: Leave Her Alone

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   Sebastian was awkwardly sat on the couch, his hands placed firmly in his lap. He stared down at them, and he noticed they were trembling slightly. He found that to be odd, considering he had never really thought he was afraid of his bandmates. Intimidated sometimes, maybe. But never afraid. He felt weird in this state, refusing to meet any of his band's curious eyes as they demanded to know what was going on. Maybe it was because, with other circumstances, his position in the band wasn't as at risk as it was now. He knew that sacking him over what he had almost done with Savannah was an overreaction, but he wouldn't put it past them. For the band being called "Skid Row," Sebastian often felt that those motherfuckers that he called his bandmates were soft. Preaching about professionalism and whatnot went against their message, yet that was all his colleagues did.

   "Don't fight that guy, Baz, you've got an image to uphold. Be professional," they'd say. "Don't say that in public, Baz. Be professional." It all felt so restrictive. This was rock 'n' roll, couldn't he do whatever the fuck he wanted? Wasn't that rock's whole message?

   The more he thought about this as he sat there, the angrier he became. For rock 'n' roll, wanting to have a quick make-out with Savannah was not a huge offense, and yet Rachel had nearly exploded on him. Sure, he could see why he did, and why the others would, too. She could be a distraction, he could use his boss status to take advantage of her, his exposed unprofessional conduct and his inability to contain emotions had become apparent. . .whatever. To Sebastian, it felt like his bandmates saw this job as an office job. Where the tiniest shit is the biggest scandal, and everyone just needs to keep their head down and file their paperwork.

   Fuck that. He shouldn't have to hold himself back because of his band's limited understanding of what rock 'n' roll was supposed to be. If Rachel came down and was looking for a fight, he'd give it to him. He knew that getting sacked was a possibility, as it always was, but he needed to stand up for what he believed in, regardless of the fear in the back of his mind.

   Sebastian raised his head as he heard Rachel's heavy footfalls clomp down the stairs. Just by the noise alone, he could tell that Rachel's steps were forceful on purpose. To send a message to the blond, perhaps.

   Instead of shrinking away, Sebastian only straightened.

   Rachel walked into Sebastian's field of vision, and the singer followed his bassist with his eyes as he stood in front of them.

   Rachel looked rough. Emotionally spent. His eyes were heavy, his shoulders slumped, and he was tiredly running a hand down his face. Briefly, Sebastian thought about how this was a good thing; if Rachel was tired, maybe he wouldn't be too hard to fight against. Maybe he'd win the fight, quickly, preferably, and he would be free to make out with Savannah to his heart's content.

   But, that thought was snuffed out when he saw the anger behind Rachel's heavy eyes. The motherfucker was ready to fight, and Sebastian knew it.

   Sebastian and Rachel stared at each other, silently, unmoving, for a very long time. Rob averted his eyes in reply, and Scotti gently cleared his throat. When that was proven to be ineffective, Snake quietly prodded, "So, what's goin' on, guys?"

   Rachel looked at Snake, almost as if he had forgotten he was even there. "Why don't you ask Sebastian?" he asked in a flat voice, crossing his arms and sneering down at Sebastian.

   "We already did," said Rob softly. "He wouldn't tell us anything."

   "Well—" Rachel began.

   "Oh, what the hell? I'll do it!" said Sebastian in a cheery tone that he knew would piss Rachel off. He looked confidently at Scotti, Rob, and Snake, and said boldly, "I went up to the recording studio to listen to Sav sing, and when she was done, we almost kissed. And now Rach has his panties in a twist. He never told me why, but I think a big part of it is that he doesn't think I'm worthy of her or something."

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