Chapter 1

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 "Get your lazy ass up," Cami said as she threw a pillow at my head

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 "Get your lazy ass up," Cami said as she threw a pillow at my head.

I groaned and looked over at my alarm clock. It read 10:12am. "It's Saturday, leave me alone," I grumbled.

"No," she said. "This isn't how this is supposed to be, you should be up before me and be making me do things, not the other way around," she whined.

I got up and off of my bed with Cami already leading the way out of my room.

Cami and I had been best friends since we were seven years old and she stopped a boy from tugging on my pigtails on the playground. Cami and I had been inseparable ever since. For as long as I could remember we had near lived more than two minutes away from each other. Even in college we share an apartment.

That is where we are now. Cami was dragging me into the kitchen of our small two bedroom apartment just off the Yale campus. It was a few minutes drive to campus and it was clean. Well, my room was clean, and the main area was clean. Cami's room was a different story.

Cami had always been my polar opposite. She was tall, where I was short. She had curly black hair, where mine was straight and blonde. Her latin heritage left her skin tan where it was tan from the sun. She wanted to party, where I wanted not to. We had very similar personalities though.

We were both snarky and sarcastic, but Cami broadcast her opinions to everyone who was listening whereas mine was more focused. I was more softly spoken and Cami was extremely outgoing. That never mattered much to either of us.

"Let's do something," she groaned.

"What do you want to do?" I asked her. It was the last day before classes started again for our final fall semester, before we were unleashed upon the world as functioning adults.

"Since you asked," she sang. "There is a last day of summer party at the baseball house."

I frowned slightly.

"I know you don't want to go," she said quickly. "But I really don't want to go alone." She gave me puppy dog eyes and I immediately melted. I would do anything for that girl. "But you owe me one."

"Agreed," she said happily.

I opened the refrigerator and it was empty other than some yogurt and half a bottle of salad dressing. I turned back to Cami.

"We need to go to the grocery store," I told her.

"Do we have to?" she whined.

"Stop winning," I told her. "This is your fault for waking me up." She grumbled something under her breath as she made her way to hher room to change, presumably. I went to my room and I put on a white tube top and a pair of tan sweatpants. I slid on my white nike sneakers and I tied my hair up into a ponytail and slid my ponytail through the hole in the back of my Yankee's baseball cap.

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