Chapter 24

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I was Josh Miller's girlfriend. I liked the sound of that. We pulled up to the hockey rink and we both got out of the truck and met next to the hood. He held the keys above my palm. "Don't crash my car," he instructed me.

"You just said that you believed in me," I said in mock offense.

"We'll since have started to wonder why Texas guys are so protective of their cars," he said with a laugh.

"I am the daughter of a mechanic, if I am unqualified to drive your car, then one one is," I informed him. I snatched the keys from his hand and made a move to go past him and to the driver's side.

He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back into his chest. The simple connection between our hands set my hand on fire.

"No goodbye kiss from my girlfriend?" she said with a fake incredulously.

The word girlfriend sounded so good coming from his mouth. If he called me his girlfriend, I would probably do anything for him at that moment.

"If you would just bend down," I started to say, but I was cut off my his lips on mine.

I favored the feeling of his lips lighting mine on fire and the smell of his cologne as we stood in the parking lot, wrapped up in each other.

"MILLER!" somebody yelled from the front door to the rink. Jos and I broke apart and the flush in my face was evident as I covered my face in embarrassment.

"Yes Coach?" Josh yelled back, without letting go of his hold on my waist.

"Stop making out with your flavor of the week in the parking lot, and get into the rink!" his coach yelled back. 'Flavor of the week' his coach had called me. It stung a little bit.

"She's not my flavor of the week!" Josh yelled back to his coach. "This is Lili, my girlfriend!"

He defended me, and called me his girlfriend. It made me bite my cheek to keep from smiling too widely.

"Girlfriend?!" his coach yelled back.

"Yes Sir!" Josh confirmed.

There was a pause as his coach contemplated this. "Five Minutes!" he relented. His coach walked back inside.

Josh looked down at me with a smile on his face. "If I had known that getting a girlfriend would have excused me from being late to practice, I would have gotten one a long time ago," he told me.

I scoffed and hit him on the arm.

"I'm kidding," he promised me.

I stepped onto the tips of my toes and using my hand that was placed on his neck, I pulled him down to me. I kissed him lightly. "Go to practice," I told him. "I'll see you later."

He groaned and pulled away from me. "Fine," he agreed. "I'm coming over right after practice," he told me.

"Shower first," I told him as I broke from his grip and walked towards the driver's seat.

He shook his head with a smile on his face. I opened the door and slipped inside. I blew him a kiss and pulled the truck out of the parking lot. I drove for only a few minutes before I reached Cami and my apartment. I parked Josh's car just outside our building. And I used my key to unlock the door. Four flights of stairs later, I was standing in front of Cami and my apartment door. I used my keys to unlock the door and I entered the apartment.

"I'm home!" I yelled into the flat.

I heard a groan from the bathroom. I closed and locked the door behind me, before I went to investigate the sound. I cautiously walked to the bathroom, with a feeling of what, or rather who, would be inside. I toed the door open and sure enough Cami was on the floor, hugging the toilet, still in last night's costume. Her make up was running and she looked awfully pale.

"Don't say a word," she warned.

"I wasn't going to," I assured her. I kneeled next to her as I took a hair tie off of my wrist. I gently pulled Cami's hair up from around her face and the back of her neck. I put it in a ponytail on the top of her head and she sighed in relief.

"Thanks," she said.

"Anytime," I promised her. We sat in silence for a moment before Cami leaned herself against our bathroom wall.

"So your night was eventful," I observed.

"Hardly," she groaned. "If you call getting blackout drunk with Cooper eventful, then sure. But otherwise, I am just on the receiving end of a nasty hangover." She looked over at me. "It seems like you had more of an eventful night than I did."

I looked down to see that I was still wearing Josh's sweatshirt. I blushed a little, "yeah, about that...'' I rummaged through our cabinet in search of pain relief.

"What?" she asked inquisitively. Leave it to Cami to forget about her hangover, as soon as something else happened.

"Take these first," I said. I handed her two pills and a glass of water that I had just collected from the tap.

"Yes mom," she said sarcastically as she took the water and pills from my hand.

"You are going to thank me one day," I informed her as she swallowed the pills.

"Thank you," she told me.

"You're welcome," I said.

"So.. what happened last night?" she asked me. "I want all of the details."

"Okay," I agreed. I told her everything, she is my best friend after all. I told her about his truck, to which she laughed and said that I was such a country girl, to which I pointed out that we grew up together in Texas. I told her about him, warning me that we couldn;t just be friends if we kissed. I told her that I kissed him. I told her that he was lovely. I told her that we slept in the back of his car, like actually sleeping to which she was disappointed. I told her about my confession that I can't have one night stands. I told her that he said he doesn't want us to be in a one night stand. I told her that he asked me to be his girlfriend.

"He did!?" she squealed, clearly the hangover was taking a back burner.

"Yeah," I smiled.

"That's amazing!" she said. "You know that in the history of Josh Miller at Yale he has never had a girlfriend?"

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep," she said as she popped the "p". "That would have been headline gossip."

I have to admit that I was a little bit flattered by that. I was Josh's first college girlfriend, and hopefully his last. No, it was way too early in our relationship to be thinking like that.

"That is so sweet," Cami said. "You're going to tell your kids that story one day," she informed me.

"Woah,' I said. "Don't get ahead of yourself, we aren't having any kids yet."

"Yet?" Cami inquired.

"Shut up," I said. I bumped her shoulder with mine.

"Oh," she groaned, "it's starting again." She lurched forward and put her head into the toilet as she wretched up the remains of last night's events came back to bit her. I just hoped that the same thing wouldn't happen to me.

Word Count: 1221

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