Chapter 4

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Cooper and I talked for another 45 minutes, taking notes on each other

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Cooper and I talked for another 45 minutes, taking notes on each other. The question about my deepest fears was long forgotten. My brothers' fame not coming up once.

"I should get going," I told Cooper.

"Sure," he agreed. We both stood up from the table and I gathered my things. I grabbed my keys, phone and backpack once again. I walked toward the front door with Cooper in toe. I hadn't made very much noise but as soon as we entered the main living space, there was a small commotion on the couch, Josh and Danny and... a moving blanket.

The blanket giggled and squirmed trying to get free itself.

I glanced over at Cooper who just gave me a sheepish smile. I looked back to the boys and Josh was just sighing with a hand on his forehead. Danny was wrestling with the blanket trying to get it to stop moving.

"Does somebody want to explain what is going on here?" I ask.

"No," Danny says weakly.

"She's already seen Mila," Josh says quietly.

"WHen?" Danny hissed.

"At the supermarket yesterday," Josh said back quietly as though I wasn't standing right there.

Just then a little girl's head popped out of the blanket. She squealed with delight. I recognized her as the little girl from the supermarket yesterday. I had thought that she was Josh's daughter or maybe his niece, but I could so clearly now see that she was Danny's daughter.

They both had piercing gray eyes. Both had pale skin and light brown hair. They had the same smile. I am not sure how else to explain their similarities. Danny had a strong jaw where Mila's face was chubby and cute.

I could feel my face break into a smile. "Hi baby," I cooed.

"Uncle Josh!" Mila said. She turned to Josh and his features softened for her. "That's the Disney princess that was at the store!"

"Is it?" Josh said, unconvincingly. He knew what she was talking about.

"Yeah," Mila nodded sagely. "You called her beautiful."

My cheeks heated. "I didn't-" Josh tried to explain.

"Yes y–" the sound was muffled by Josh's hand as he held it over her mouth.

"Well," Cooper sighed. "No point in you leaving now," Cooper said. He took my backpack off of my shoulder and put it onto the ground leaning against the wall. He guided me towards the couch. I awkwardly sat down next to Josh. he barely spent me a second glance.

"So here's the thing," Danny said. He touched his finger tips together and he leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He looked very serious. "Technically speaking, the only people allowed to live here are Yale Bulldog Hockey players."

I nodded to show that I was comprehending.

"Obviously Mila isn't a hockey player," Danny continued.

Well no shit.

"So technically she isn't allowed to live here," Danny continued. "So it would be great if you didn't mention this to anyone."

All three boys were staring at me intensely.

"Okay," I chuckled. I hadn't even thought about sharing this information with anyone except maybe Cami.

"Like anyone," Cooper said as if I didn't understand.

"Okay," I agreed seriously.

My phone rang from my back pocket and I shifted my attention from the intense stares from the boys to my phone. I check the face id briefly while I answer.

"Hey Joanne," I say as I answer the phone. All of the boys are still watching me instead of Mila who was about to unplug a lamp from an outlet.

"Where are you?" she hissed. I raced across the room to Mila.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I snatched Mila into my arms before she could touch the outlet.

"You were supposed to be at the shoot ten minutes ago," she reminds me. I deposit Mila into Danny's waiting arms.

Thank you he mouths gratefully.

"Shit," I curse. I flinched as I remembered Mila was just feet away from me. I cover the receiver on the phone for a second. "Sorry," I apologized to Danny.

"It's fine," he said back.

I uncovered the phone. "Okay. I am on my way.'' I end the call before she can yell at me again.

"Who was it?" Cooper asked.

"My agent," I answered as I raced over to my bag.

"Agent for what?" he asked noisily.

"I'm on parole," I told him stone faced.

"What?!" he and Danny exclaimed at the same time.

I rolled my eyes and returned my eyes to my bag. I zipped it up and then unlocked my phone to call an uber.

"She's kidding," a gruff voice said. The voice was smooth like honey, but deep and gruff in a way that made me glance at its owner. It was Josh. I hadn't paid much attention to his voice in the supermarket because it was coated with panic or when I had seen him an hour ago because I was too busy taking in his appearance, but hearing it now made me realize how sexy it was.

"Are you?" Danny asked urgently.

"Yes," I answered with a smile, showing him that I wasn't about to stab him or something. Danny visibly relaxed and loosened his grip on his daughter.

"So what is the agent for?" Cooper asked curiously. The uber was two minutes away.

"I'm a model," I tell him as I look up. Cooper looked impressed and Danny nodded as if it made much more sense than my being a hardened criminal. Josh looked at me. His eyes raked up and down my body as if he was assessing me. To see if I was pretty enough to be a model. He seemed satisfied as his eyes moved back to my eyes.

"Can I put that in the paper?" Cooper asked.

"I'd rather you didn't," I told him. I really didn't like it when authority figures found out that I was a model. I wasn't embarrassed about being a model, it paid the bills and I liked it, it was empowering. After people found out though, they treated me as if I was some bimbo who had no future, not a woman who was graduating with honors from Yale or a serious writer. Kind of like when they found out that my brothers were famous, like I was not worth it because I had a small claim to fame.

"Why not?" Cooper asked.

"It's not what I want to be known for," I told him honestly. My phone pinged, the Uber was here. "This has been fun, but I have to go, I'll see you in class Cooper," I said as I let myself out of the house.

Word Count: 1100

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