Chapter 9

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I had dared her to take a puff of the cigarette as a joke

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I had dared her to take a puff of the cigarette as a joke. I never expected the girl who just lectured me about the importance of not smoking to take the cigarette from my fingers.

I watched her as the cigarette reached her lips. She took a slow drag from the cigarette and she blew it all back out. It might have been the sexiest thing that I have ever seen in my life. Her lips were touching where my lips had. Sha had an air of innocence about her, but as I watched her drag on the cigarette all I wanted to do was taste the nicotine on her lips, in her mouth.

I held myself back.

"Happy?" she asked.

All I could muster was a nod.

"Good," she said. She stood up and let the cigarette fall to the ground. I watched as she stamped it out with a pair white keds. I hadn't noticed that he was probably wearing the most sensible shoes of everyone in the house. That made me smile, I don't know why.

"You asked me questions, I get to ask you questions," I told her.

"One for one," she bargained.

"Fine," I agreed. I just wanted to know more about her. I never wanted to know more about any girl, but Lili was different, she pulled me to her without meaning to. "What is your biggest fear?" I asked her.

"Raccoons," she answered immediately.

I laughed, until I noticed that she was not laughing as well. "You're serious?" I asked.

"Yes," she said, completely honest. "Raccoons can have rabies, they are less cute red pandas, they eat trash, and they attack people in every cartoon."

"They attack people in every cartoon?" I repeated.

"Yep," she said dead seriously.

I suppressed a smile, and nodded as if this was a reasonable fear. I couldn't hold my straight face for long, so I started to laugh again. Her face broke into a smile and it was the most gorgeous smile I had ever seen.

"Don't laugh at me!" she insisted. She hit me on the arm.

"I wasn't," I defended. I blocked her second attempt at my arm. My hand grasped her wrist and both of us sobered up instantly. "It's probably not a great idea to try and hit a D1 athlete," I told her quietly.

"Noted," she agreed. I pulled her closer by the hand that I had grasped.

I don't know what came over me, she was only sitting twelve inches away, but that felt too far. She let me move her though. Her breath became slightly erratic, but I ignored it.

"Your turn," I told her.

"Right," she said as she shook her head a little bit, as if snapping herself out of some thoughts. "This is a very important question," she said seriously. "Because if you answer wrong then I can't ever speak to you again."

I was honestly a little nervous, I didn't want to fuck this up.

"What did you think of Mamma Mia, the movie?" she asked me.

"I've never seen it," I told her honestly.

She gasped as if I had committed a crime against her personally. "Tell me you're joking."

"Nope," I said, popping the 'p'. "Did I fail the test?"

"Well you don't dislike it," she reasoned. "But we'll have to remedy that soon," she told me with a smile.

Spend more time with the beautiful girl sitting next to me, you don't have to ask me twice.

"Deal," I agreed.

We spent hours like that. I had no idea how much time had gone by until the sun started to rise.

"Is it the morning already?" Lili asked? She was wrapped in my varsity jacket for hockey and it looked really good on her. Granted it was much too large, but I liked how it clearly showed that it was someone else's jacket. It had my last name on the back in large print, to tell other people that she was wearing my jacket. I had never wanted someone to be so clearly mine before, I didn't like the new feeling.

"Seems like it," I agreed. I offered her a hand up and she took it gratefully. She took her phone out of the pocket from my jacket and the time read 6:12am. We stayed up all night.

"Shit," she muttered.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Cami, my friend, called and texted me about a hundred times," she sighed. "We must not have heard it."

I nodded sagely.

"I am going to call her back, give me a sec," she said. I nodded and she turned away from me as she called her friend.

"Hey..... I know...... My phone was on silent.... Cam-..... Calm down, I'm coming home now.... I didn't disappear, I told you exactly where I was going.... No, I wasn't alone... Josh... yes Josh Miller..." I heard one side of the conversation. I smiled, as she got quieter when she said my name. "I'll call an uber and be home in ten minutes... Love you too... bye." She ended the call.

"I should go," she told me.

"Let me drive you home," I insisted.

"I don't want to be a pain," she insisted.

"Please," I said. She looked conflicted.

"Let me save you $15 for an uber."

"Fine," she conceded.

"Let me grab my keys, I'll be right back," I told her.

I crept back into the house, careful not to make any noise that would wake Cooper or Danny up. I grabbed my keys from the drawer in the kitchen where we all left our car keys during parties. I crept back out and looked at Lili in my jacket. She looked hot. She always looked hot, but something about her being in my jacket was especially appealing.

"Ready?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said. I showed her my keys and I led her around the house to the front and towards my car. It was a black Range Rover. I opened the passenger door for her and she gave me a quiet thank you. I admired her ass as she climbed into the car.

We both got in and buckled. She gave me directions to her apartment nad when she got there, she hesitated before getting out. "I'm sorry for stealing you from your party last night," she said.

"I had a better time last night than I have had at any other college party," I promised her.

"Really?" she asked.

"Really," I confirmed.

"In fact I think that Cooper's body shot game is my new favorite game," I told her. She turned bright red, I couldn't leave without making her blush one more time.

She scoffed. "Thanks for the ride," she told me as she opened the door.

"Anytime," I told her.

"I'll see you around Josh," she said.

"See you around Blondie," I told her.

"Don't call me that," she insisted, but the smile on her face told me that she didn't truly mind. I watched until she got into her building and then I drove away, with the Disney princess on my mind.

Word Count: 1157

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