Chapter 21

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I didn't know Cami that well

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I didn't know Cami that well. Sure, she was over at my place and always with Lili, but it wasn't the brunette's company that I craved, but rather the short blonde's. So when she pulled me away from the dance floor, you could say that I was a bit more than surprised.

She pulled me into the bathroom with her, with some annoyance from the line of girls who were waiting outside. "I don't-" I started to stop whatever was happening.

"Calm down Miller," she interrupted me. "I'm not going to jump your bones. We need to have a serious discussion."

"Right now?" I asked. I had just gotten Lili to leave with me, and now she was alone with Cooper on the dance floor, all I wanted to do was be with her and not in this bathroom.

"Yes," Cami said insistently.

I returned my gaze to her and patiently waited for her to continue.

"You and Lili," she said. I hadn't expected that.

"What about us?" I asked.

"Don't fuck with her," Cami told me seriously. Cami kept going. "Lili is by far the best person that I know and you do not deserve her."

She gave me a pause in which she expected to respond. "I know," was what I said. Lili was perfect, not only in appearance, but she was kind, and driven, and she was innocent. She was innocent and I was corrupted.

"Good," Cami said. "Because she likes you, no matter how many times she denies it," the last part of that sentence seemed to be to herself, but that wasn't the part that I was focused on anyways.

She likes me.

And fuck, I like her.

"Do not fuck this up," Cami told me stearnly. "She doesn't do one night stands, so if you are going to flirt with her, you'd better be in it for the long haul." Did I want a serious relationship? Was I ready for one? "If you break her heart, I will break your dick, not to mention what her brothers will do to you" Cami said, dead serious, effectively breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes ma'am," was all I could say.

"Good," Cami decided. She nodded curtly, opened the door and left the bathroom. I left the bathroom with her. What Cami was asking me was racing through my head. We got back to the dance floor and Cooper and Lili were jumping around and singing to the song that was playing.

We approached them from behind and without thinking, I put my hands on Lili's hips and pulled her to me. She stiffened immediately.

"It's just me, Blondie," I whispered into her ear. A shiver ran down her back, but she relaxed against me. She opened her mouth to respond, but I beat her to it. "Don't call me that." She laughed quietly, but I could feel her vibrate with laughter.

"Can we leave?" she asked, loudly so that I could hear her over the music. She turned around to face me, but she hadn't pulled away from my grip. She and I were now chest to chest and I felt as though there was entirely too much clothing between us.

"Absolutely, Blondie," I said. I gave Coop and Cami the signal and Lili and I left the house. We walked a block away and we got to my car. I grabbed my keys from my pocket and unlocked it.

"You own a pickup truck?" she asked me.

"Yeah," I said sheepishly. I had gotten it second hand from a neighbor of ours who didn't have a use for it anymore.

Lili hummed and we both reached for the passenger door at the same time. "Let me," I said.

Lili smiled and moved hand away from the door. I opened it for her and she climbed in. It was a little bit high, but she climbed in relatively easily. I closed the door behind her and got into the passenger seat.

"Did you drink tonight?" she asked me once I started the car.

"No," I shook my head. "I wouldn't get behind the wheel if I had." I would never put you in danger I thought.

I put the car into drive and we were off.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"A place I know," I said.

"Which place?" she asked.

"Do you trust me?" I asked her.

"Yes," she said with no hesitation.

It was fifteen minutes before we got to the place. It was the top of a big hill that overlooks New Haven. The skyline glittered below us and we both got out of the car.

"It's beautiful," Lili said as she studied the skyline.

Yeah you are, I had to hold myself back from saying. "Let's sit in the back of the truck," I said. She nodded and we both crawled into the bed of the truck. I had a few spare blankets back there and we laid beside each other and looked up at the sky.

"Did you know that there is supposed to be a meteor shower tonight?" I asked her.

"Halloween meteor shower," she observed. "Spooky."

I laughed. "Very."

We only had to wait a few moments before we saw the first shooting star. Lili gasped at it, "That's so cool."

"Yeah," I agreed. We watched for a few more minutes as more stars shot across the sky in dazzling patterns. Until I felt her moving around beside me. She was rubbing her arms for heat. That was when I realized that she must have been freezing. It wasn't that cold because we were in New Haven in October, but it was nighttime so it was in the fifties.

"Are you cold?" I asked her.

"A little," she admitted.

"Wait one second," I said as I got up.

"Don't get up," she said. "I'll be fine."

"I'll be back in one second," I promised her. I hopped out of the bed of the truck and rounded to the backseat door. I opened it and grabbed my Bulldogs hockey sweatshirt from my back seat. I walked back around to the bed of the truck and tossed the sweatshirt into the back as I climbed back in. I grabbed the sweatshirt and held it out to Lili.

"Put this on," I told her.

"No," she said. "I don't want to be a bother, it's your sweatshirt."

"Put this on," I repeated, leaving no room for argument. She bit her lip for a second as she contemplated whether she should put it on or not. After less than ten seconds of deliberating she took the sweatshirt from me and put it on. It completely covered her little green dress that she had worn to be tinkerbell. She was smoking hot in that dress, but her in my clothes was something else entirely.

I could see her in my clothes every day for the rest of our lives and never get tired of it.

As we laid back down my brain wandered back to my conversation with Cami.

Did I want a girlfriend? Was I ready for a serious relationship? Did I want that from Lili? Did I want Lili to be mine?


Word Count: 1181

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