Chapter One - "Do I Know You?"

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"Rise and shine mi amor!"

I groan as I hear my mamá burst into my room to wake me up for breakfast. "Come on mamí, you have to get up!" my mamá says as she takes my covers off of me. I groan once again as I sit up and rub my eyes, trying to regain my sight. "Mamá what's so important for you to wake me up like this?" I ask as I look at her.

"Well didn't you say you could help me make arepa de huevos for the town?" my mamá stood in front of me resting her right hand onto her hip. I froze as I begin to remember last night.

- flashback to last night -

I walk through the doors of my house as I hear my 2 younger cousins Genevieve and Luis, play with my younger sibling Christoper. I also hear my older cousin Yelena and my older brother Alejandro, debate on who's significant other is better. My papá notices that I'm home and comes up to me and hugs me, welcoming me home from wherever I was.

"Welcome back home mija. Your mamá told me to tell you to come to the kitchen once you got home." he said after kissing my forehead. "sí papí, I'll go see her right now. Te amo, papí!" I say to my papí before I begin to walk to the kitchen to see my mamá.

"Hola mamá!" I say as I enter the kitchen. "Hola mi vida! Could you help me make arepa de huevos for the town tomorrow? If not that's alright." my mamá says while wiping her hands with a paper towel. "Of course mamá! Just don't forget to wake me up in the morning." I say that last part with a chuckle. My mamá giggles at what I said, then goes back to the stove to cook. "I won't forget mija"

- end of flashback -

"Well?" my mamá stands in front of me impatiently tapping her foot while her arms were crossed, as I finish recovering my memory of last night. "Lo siento mamá, I remember now." I say as I get up from my bed and open my closet to get my change of clothes for the day. "Alright mija I'll be in the kitchen. Just come into the kitchen once you're finished, okay?" mamá says. "Sí mamá!" I say as she walks out of my room, closing my door so i can change.

I take out my f/c pollera and and white shirt from my closet, taking my time to put it on. I then grab my cross bag and put on my sandals. As I'm walking to the bathroom, I hear my Tía Valentina and Tío Andrés wake up my cousins and my brothers.

Once I got to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and nicely styled my hair. After that, I walked to the kitchen to see my mamá already cooking. "Hola mamá. What do you need me to do?" I asked. "I need you to cut a hole into those arepas that are already made and crack an egg into it. Then repair the hole together with the reserved dough." my mamá explained to me with sparing a glance at me.

"Sí mamá!" I say as I do as I was told.

- after the arepa de huevos making -

My mamá gave my a container of fresh arepa de huevos to give out to the town while she's giving some out also.

I walk up to a man that has a striped white and blue shirt on. "Hola señor, would you like to have an arepa de huevos?" I ask the man with the striped shirt. "Gracias señorita!" the man says as he takes a bite of the arepa filled with egg. I smile at the man as he seems to have enjoyed the arepa.

- After giving out many arepas to people in town -

I sigh as I walk around the town with an empty container. Suddenly something catches my eye. As I look at it and continue to walk, I abruptly bump into someone. That person then scream "AY!!" as they change into a few different people as if they were..shapeshifting.

I look at their face and realized that it's one of the Madrigal family members. I examine the curly dark hair, the yellow ruana with chameleons on it, the freckles, and the green eyes. I then look that person into his eyes and feel as he looks very familiar. I try to remember his name, but I don't fondly pay attention to him while I'm walking around town. "Hm.... do I...know you?" He then speaks as he slightly tilts his head to the right.

"Ah... um you're Camilo Madrigal right? Part of the Madrigal Family yes?" I ask slightly embarrassed that I don't know this. "Yes indeed I am!" Camilo says as proud as he can be. Camilo then freezes and looks at me confused. "If you know who I am... then who are you?" he asks.

I then begin to scrutinize him as he just stands there waiting for a response. "Oh! I'm Y/n L/n! Pleased to meet you Camilo!" I say to him politely. He smiles at me and suddenly we make eye contact as we both smile at each other. My heartbeat started to get faster and faster, almost going haywire until I then hear someone calling Camilo's name. I see Dolores coming towards the both of us. Dolores has been my best friend for years. She hears everything and tells me all the tea. When Dolores spots me she freezes and looks at me and Camilo back and forth. I stand there awkwardly not knowing what to do so I just wave at Dolores.

Of course she waves back. "Hola N/n! If you don't mind I'm going to take Camilo." Dolores says. "Oh no worries, you can take him." I say while I smile at her. Before she leaves she whispers into my ear, "I heard how your heart was beating when you and the prick over there, were making eye contact" Dolores said as she pointed towards Camilo. "It's not like that D. It just made me nervous, and not in a lovey dovey way. bleh." I say back to her as I gaze at Camilo, while he shapeshifts into a women that's similar to the woman sleeping in a bench, next to Camilo and the giggling baby in his arms.

"hm.. well alrighty then." Dolores says while she eyes me suspiciously. Camilo then stops tossing the baby as Dolores walks over to him and starts to talk to him. I then see Isabela helping two men grow flowers onto their huge circular canvas things on their backs. Then I hear the sound of children asking, "Wait, who's the sister and who's the cousin?" then there was another child's voice. "There's so many people!" that child exclaims. Finally there was little boy's voice saying "How do you keep them all straight?!"

I hear a familiar voice say "Okay Okay Okay Okay. So many kids in our house so, let's turn the sound up! You know why? I think it's time for a grandkid round up!" I hear around the corner. I walk forward so I've turned that corner and found Mirabel Madrigal. One of my good friends. The people in town repeat the last three word Mirabel said as they continue to play their instruments.

"Cousin Dolores can hear a pin drop!" Mirabel says as she drops a pin and Dolores pops out of nowhere with her hand cupped behind her ear as she smiles.

"Camilo shapeshifts!" Mirabel says as soon as J looked at Camilo shapeshifting and tossing the baby in his arms, into the air. I look at him and shake my head, "Dios mío.." I say under my breath before looking back at Mirabel. "Antonio get his gift today!" Mirabel sings as she moves to where Isabela and Luisa are. "My older sisters, Isabela and Luisa!" She says as she moves beautifully as she says Isabela's name, and does the "showing off my muscles" gesture as Luisa gives Mirabel a thumbs up as she carrie's a wooden platform of heavy rocks or bricks on top.

"One strong, one graceful. Perfect in every way." Mirabel continues. I hear people harmonize in the background "Isabela~". I look up to see a handsome but weird looking man, looking down at Isabela with admiration. "Grows a flower, the town goes wild." Mirabel sang once again as the harmonizing people sing Isabela's name again. "She's a perfect golden child." Mirabel says as she has her right hand on her heart.

The people in the background sing Luisa's name in a chanting way as the wooden platform Mirabel and the little kids were lifted by Luisa. "And Luisa's super strong. The beauty and the brawn, do no wrong." Mirabel sings as Luisa places down the bridge.

- after that 🧍-

After my day of walking and talking to people in the town and accidentally making eye contact with Camilo as I walk past him.

I then enter my house and walk to the solace of my bedroom. Suddenly Christopher bursts into my room. scaring the shit out of me. "Mamá said to come eat!" he says before he runs out of my room. I get up and fix my shirt, and dust off my skirt.

A/N: Hi! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it's not very long 😅 I hope you guys can forgive me!

Arepa de Huevos - a popular Colombian dish that is commonly sold on streets.

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