Chapter Seven - Beginning a Relationship

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It was now the day after and I didn't know what he had in mind for our second date.

I sighed and decided not to think about it right now so I got up started my morning routine. After that I went downstairs to be met with the chatter and laughter of little children. "Good Morning Y/n!" I hear Genevieve say with her high pitched voice. I waved in my response and got greeted by the other kids.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my mamá. "Hola Mamá." I said, getting my breakfast. "Hola Mija. How'd you sleep?" she questioned with both of us not looking at each other. "I slept fine I guess." I said plainly, sort of scared about telling her what was on my mind. I never really told her anything due to my fear of her reaction, or the fear of her lecturing me over nonsense. Then I heard mamá hum in response as I nearly finished my breakfast.

Once I finished, I washed my plate and utensils and put them to dry in the dish rack.

I wanted to see Camilo and ask him what he had in mind for our date, but knowing him, he'll just say 'It's a surprise!' with an idiotic smile on his face. I sighed and decided that I was going to ask my big brother if I can hang out with him for the day, to get stuff off my mind.

I walk upstairs to him room and knock on Alejandro's door with our rhythmic knock that we made when we were younger. Alejandro opens the door for me and leans against the door frame. "What do you want y/n?" He questions with a cocked brow. "I just wanted to ask if I could hangout with you for the day. Just to..get things off my mind." I responded, having a nervous grin plastered onto my features. "Whatever, you can hangout with me, but just to let you know Blair and I plan to hangout today." Alejandro says as he lets me into his room.

Blair's his girlfriend, she's a good significant other for Alejandro. Blair's really pretty and generous, with her curly dark hair, dark green eyes, and her dark complexion. They've been dating for quite a while, and I've grown very close with her.

Anyways, Alejandro and I left our house to pick up Blair.

When we arrived at Blair's front door, Alejandro knocked and she opened the door a few minutes later. "Oh! Hello Y/n!" Blair says happily as she spots me. I wave in response as I stand there with a sweet smile.

"What do you guys feel like doing today?" Alejandro asks me and Blair, after he hugs Blair and gives her a small kiss on her cheek. "How about we play some board games? My mamí bought some just a few days ago." Blair says excitingly. "And maybe we could invite Yelena and her girlfriend!" Blair also says as me and Alejandro look at each other and back at Blair. "Sure, let's invite Yelena and Azura." Alejandro sighs out, bummed that he has to invite more people to hangout with him and his girlfriend. I stand between Alejandro and Blair and glance at him then Blair repeatedly. "Do you mind if I..." I start to say but my words leave my mouth as Blair looks at me. "Take your time." She says in a calm voice and comforting smile.

"Do you mind if I could invite someone..?" I ask anxiously. "Why of course you can!" Blair says happy that we're going to have another person joining us.

I feel Alejandro's gaze shooting holes through my skull as I kind of regret my words. 'God, I wish I never spoke.' I think to myself.

After that conversation me and Alejandro left Blair to set things ups and went on our way to recruit everyone. Thank goodness Yelena and Azura were hanging out with each other today. When Alejandro and I got to the town square we both agreed on splitting up to get the people we needed.

'I hope Cami isn't busy right now..' I think to myself as I walk around town knowing that he's probably lurking around.

When I find him, I walk up from behind him and it looks like he's talking to someone from my point of view. Before I say anything, I freeze in my steps and lean to the side so I can see who he's talking to. I see who he's talking to and it's Adrienna. Adrienna's a very open and extroverted person, much better than me.. I'm not really open or extroverted though I don't want to fix that, it makes me feel comfortable in my own skin.

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