Chapter Four - Dinner with the Guzmáns and Madrigals

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- Y/n's POV -

"I'm not even going to lie. Dancing with Camilo felt amazing, but I refuse to tell him that. And you better not tell him!" you said to Mirabel after the challenge was over.

According to Camilo, he won but I don't believe that. I totally attracted way more people.

I decided to arrive to La Casa Madrigal early for dinner to hangout with Mirabel while the other members of the Madrigal familia were out. "I'm bored Mirabel." I said as I sat on the kitchen counter swinging my legs back and forth.

"Well what do you feel like doing?" Mirabel said to me. "Well I don't exactly know what I want to do but you wanna just talk?" I ask her trying to think of a topic. "Sure!" Mirabel replied to me as she opens her mouth to bring up a topic. "So what's up with you and Camilo hm?" Mirabel looks at me as she grabs a snack and starts to chew on it, waiting for my answer. "There's nothing going on between us." I say holding my hand out signaling her to give me a snack. Mirabel gives me a snack and as I begin to eat it Mirabel says something. "It didn't look like nothing when you two were dancing to Corazón Sin Cara." Mirabel mentions with a teasing smile. I practically choke on my food as I hit my chest trying to help myself, "What do you mean? And since when did you get there?!" I interrogate.

Mirabel chuckles and finishes her snack before speaking. "Well you see hun, you never came back so I went to look for you since you mentioned to me that you were going to see Camilo. Aaand when I got there, you looked like you were having a real good time with Camilo. Plus, didn't you tell me that dancing with Camilo made you feel amazing?"  Mirabel says to me as I literally left my jaw hanging. "You annoy me sometimes you know." I say before taking a bite of my snack while looking away with a slightly flushed face knowing that Mirabel's onto me.

A few minutes passed by and the Madrigals all came back one by one. Me and Mirabel stayed in the same place, and same positions.

"I gotta get something real quick, stay here okay?" Mirabel said leaving the kitchen after I nodded at her. Then someone that I wanted to see the least came into the kitchen stretching their arms up while yawning. 'Great. Just the person I didn't want to see.' I thought as I looked him from head to toes.

'Camilo's annoying ass.' I thought once again as he approached closer still not noticing me. Just as I thought that he wasn't ever going to notice me, he looks up and sees me.

"Oh- Hey Y/n." Camilo says to me waving. I'm quite surprised that he doesn't have his usual shit eating grin on his face.

Camilo then starts to smile mischievously just as I thought that he wouldn't have it plastered onto his face. "What are you going to cause now, you prick." I ask him extremely annoyed already. "Oh nothing.." Camilo says as he slowly moved to be standing in the space between my legs while I'm sitting at the edge of casita's counters.

Camilo puts his hands onto my thighs and slowly inches closer and closer to my face, being a few centimeters away from each other's lips. "What are you doing Camilo.." I breathe out with shakiness as I start to panic, having my heart beat faster than it ever has in the entirety of my life. Camilo just had to move closer to the point where our lips were literally millimeters away from meeting.

"Get off the counter, that's disrespectful towards casita." Camilo whispered when we finally made eye contact. I push him away as I jump off of the counters. "I hate you." I say strongly as Camilo starts to burst into laughter. I storm out and suddenly collide into someone. "Oh! Y/n! Are you okay?" I hear someone say. I look up and is immediately met with Luisa's wide eyes peering down at me.

"Yeah! I'm good!" I say giving her a smile and a thumbs up. I see Luisa sigh in relief. "By any chance.. Do you know where Mirabel is?" I questioned Luisa as she thinks.

Luisa then had her final answer and was about to speak before she got cut off by someone calling my name. I lean to the side to look around Luisa and saw Mirabel. "Ah- There's Mirabel. Anyways, thanks for asking if I was okay Luisa! See you again in a few minutes for dinner!" I say before hugging Luisa as she hugs me back gently trying not to crush me then smiles while I walk away from her and toward Mirabel.

"Yoo whats up again Y/n." Mirabel says to me once I get close to her. "Why do you look so mad?" Mirabel questioned me as we stood side by side. "Your stupid primo won't leave me alone. He keeps pulling idiotic stunts on me and it's incredibly annoying." I say whining a bit.

Dolores' voice pops out of nowhere and says "Well do something to him to make him annoyed." She sorta whispered to me and Mirabel from behind.

Mirabel and I look back and see her peaking out of a pillar. Dolores gets out from behind the pillar. "That totally up to you though. Plus we should get ready for dinner. Abuela says that dinner should be ready in like 6 minutes. And according to her, she's going to get the Guzmáns and your family said that they were going to arrive in a couple minutes." Dolores announced to me and Mirabel before she did her squeak and left. "Alright, So how about you just ignore Camilo the whole time that you're here." Mirabel says to me, pushing up her glasses.

- Few minutes later to when it's time to have dinner -

Everyone got seated once the rest on my family and Mariano Guzmán and his mamá arrived. thankfully I got seated a little away from Camilo.

I sigh in relief then start to smile when Señora Alma starts to speak.

"We are very thankful that everyone could come! Please enjoy the things that we have prepared for you!" Señora Alma says as everyone smiles and cheer a little before beginning to dig into the delicious food.

Mirabel and Dolores are having a conversation and my prima Yelena starts to converse with me. "So have you had any interest in anyone yet?" she says which makes me feel weird because it the first time she's ever said anything to me like that. "I shake my head no and continue to eat. "You can't be single forever, you loner." Yelena says making me choke on my food for the second time of the day. I kick her under the table. "So what if I'm single my whole life? You're just mad that you realized being single is better than being in some sappy relationship." I said a bit too loud. Everyone freezes and looks at me confused.

I smile nervously and take my drink and start to sip on it while not giving anyone eye contact. Once everyone brushed it off they went back to eating and conversing. I then look back at my plate but feel a pair of gazing eyes on me. I look around and find the culprit of who was shooting holes in the space between my eyes. I slightly glare as him as he smirks. 'He's such a moron.' I thought. I then see him shapeshift into me, Mirabel, and Yelena as I saw that Dolores whispered something into his ear. He then has this stupid look on his face that makes Señor Félix tell him something and makes me laugh a little. Camilo shakes his head and goes back to his normal form as he looks back at me.

A/N: Sorry for not uploading yesterday, i'm trying to have more motivation and inspiration to continue to write this book.

I'm sorry not sorry for the kitchen scene 🌚🌚🌚

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