Dreaded Relative [1/-] (7)

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Pairing: Penelope Garcia x Black!Female!Reader

Warning: Religious Homophobic Family, Crying, Profanity,

Length: Medium ish

Word Count:

*** Reader has (a) sibling(s), This is kinda like a reader insert but not fully.

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Your heart pounded through your rib cage. You were physically distressed. You were invited back home to Chicago for a Christmas party at your family's house.

You've been trying to postpone the drive from Virginia to Chicago because you didn't really feel like interacting with your problematic family members.

But a part of you wanted to go to see your sibling(s) again but only for that reason only. You ended up making the drive anyways, you promised yourself that you were going to be fine, that's until you rang the doorbell of your mother's house.

Penelope notice your sense of dread as she looked down at you. "You're going to be fine, do worry, if you don't feel comfortable here we can always go back to the hotel."

She reassured as she placed her hand on the small of your back. They told you to invite one of your 'friends' or even better a 'husband'.

For the longest of times, they always tried to guilt-trip you into thinking you weren't gay, even though you tried telling them that it wasn't a phase.

"I'll pass!" "It's just a phase!" "I'll pray for you!" they said years ago.

None of it was a phase, they just tried to manipulate and brainwash you into thinking that being gay was wrong. That was one reason you moved to Virginia, partially for that and because you got a job position at the BAU.

You were pulled out of your thoughts from the whole situation as you saw your mother open the door with a smile. You plastered on a fake smile.

"R/n! It's been so long since I've seen you!" She reached in for a hug and you hugged her to make her happy. "Come in! We can get introductions in the warm house!" She said while inviting you both in.

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Come back for [2/2] soon!

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