chapter three: the forest

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Dave's POV:
Me,tristan,bandu,and bandi all set of into the forest to look for bambi, we all split up except for me and tristan, Tristan was too young to be split apart on his own "daddyyyyy- why can't we allllll split uppp!" He asked "your too young Tristan." "Awwww but daddy! We have a better chance of finding him that way!" "Too bad kiddo." We continued walking. Next thing I know, my son is gone.

Tristan's POV:
I wandered away from daddy, and into a deeper part of the forest, soon j found myself lost, and then I heard a sound from a bush and then I booked it, I was running so fast I didn't have time to look behind me, I didn't see the vine there untill i tripped over it, I scream in the process as I hit my head on the ground and then I curled into a ball and sobbed, I continued to hear a bunch of scary noises as I just continued to sob "p-please- d-dont hurt me- im scared-" I mumbled

Bambi's POV:
I was napping under a tree after being turned into a partial monster when I heard something, sounded like a child sobbing and screaming or whatever, I angrily got up and crawled over to where the noises were coming from, since I could still see through my blindfold I could see it was dave's adoptive son, Tristan, I knelt down and sniffed him, I smelled some blood and immediately lifted him up carefully so my claws didn't stab into him, I looked around then set him back down and I ran off, I came back with some leaves and what seemed to be thread, I soon made a small bandage out of leaves and thread and I somehow stuck it onto his face(or head idk-) where it was bleeding and then held him up "rawr??" I remembered I could speak yet since I had barely just became a partial monster lol, the young boy looked at me in confusion "b-bambi?" I tilted my head like I was trying to ask him what he needed "s-so it is you-" I nodded, I seen noticed he was getting tired, I picked him up and sa him on my back, he held on as he was kinda scared(lmfao scardy cat- eh id be scared too lol-) and then I began to run off trying to find dave

Dave's POV:
I was frantically looking around for my son when my wheelchair got stuck on a branch."SHIT-" I half yelled, I was panicking more then ever now, I could get fucking eaten out here, this place was known for having monsters in it, I soon heard small running, k got even more terrified untill I saw a tiny monster that appeared to look like bambi running over with---MY SON- "WHAT THE HELL-" my son looked at me "DADDYYYYYYYY!" He immedately climbed off of the small monster and ran over to me "DAD! IM SORRRRY! YOU TOLD ME NOT TO! BUT I DID!IM SORRRRRY!" He panicked "tristann- its okay, don't do that again tho-" I noticed the small monster by the wheel of my wheelchair, I was slightly nervous, the small monster then pulled the twig from the wheel and stared slightly sticking its tongue out "rawr!" I just stared "tristan- do you know this- thing?" "Its mr. Bambi! Why else would it have brought me to you and not eaten me?" ". . . . . .good point-" I slightly wheeled over and picked Bambi up, which obviously started him "Rawr?!" He immediately clung to my shirt as he was freaked out from being off of the ground, I slightly pet him and wheeled off to find the others with my son and bambi

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