chapter five: returning to the corn farm

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Dave's POV:
Me,Tristan,bambi,bandi,and bandu were returning to the corn farm, we took an odd way so-- i had to be carried the entire time since my wheelchair kept getting stuck, and this was embarrassing, im a grown ass man for crying out loud qvq, we soon made it back to the corn farm and bambi immedately jumped into the corn and started to tear a bunch down, probably to eat, it still concerns me how he can eat through the cob but, I won't question it, I was then put back down into my wheelchair "that was embarrassing.." "oh shut up dave, your lucky i did leave you there. Only reason I DIDNT is because of bambi." Bandi said "wow thats mean--" "yeah yeah- hush it" bandi walked off, taking Tristan and bandu with him, and then they started playing, I looked back over at bambi and couldn't help but stare and watch him tear up some corn, honestly I could somewhat feel myself blushing, which was wierd, blushing at my best friend? What was this some sick joke?

Bambi's POV:
I was just eating sum corn and j noticed dave staring at me, so I stared back, he didn't seem to notice me staring so I made a noise at him "Rawr?" He looked up at me and realized I caught him staring, which made him go all red, I was confused tho, I waddled up and hooked on his lap, and fell asleep, cause monsters- do that-

Dave's POV:
Did he just- okay. Thats- cute. I hollerd for Tristan and he came over "are we going home right nowww?" He asked "yes, its clear bandi doesn't want me over after what just happened, so come on." "Okayyyyyyyy- lemme grab my stuff--" he walked off

Tristan's POV(yo we finally get to see his point of view-):
I walked off from my father to go grab my stuff and bandi stopped me "whatcha doin?" "Grabbing my stuff- cause me an papa are leaving--" "oh- why?" "I dunno- he didn't tell me-" "hmmmmmm. Alright. I'll tell bandu" "kk! Bye bandi!" "Bye tristan" I walked off back to my father and just kinda held onto his wheelchair, its a fun ride back lol

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