chapter eight: nightmares(angst hhhh)

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No one's POV:
Tristan shuffled in his bed uncomfortably as he muttered in his sleep, he was having a nightmare "nngh- nooo- p-papaaa- don't gooo-" he mumbled in his sleep, it was about an hour later when he shot up partially screaming before covering his mouth, bambi awoke from the partial scream and shook dave awake "nnngh- what bambi?" Dave asked with a grogy tone "I think I just hear Tristan screamed-" bambi said "ah shit." Dave said as he got up and got into his wheelchair, he wheeled to his sons room and peaked into the room to see Tristan sitting on his bed crying "Tristan? Hey, buddy whats wrong.?" Dave asked as he fully wheeled in, got up from his wheelchair, and sat on the edge of Tristan's bed next to him "i-i-" Tristan didn't know how to respond but he just immedatly hugged his father tightly "ack- hey buddy- whats up?" Dave got in a better position and proceeded to hug his son back "n-ni-nigh-night-nightma-nightmare-" Tristan managed to stutter out, dave just pulled Tristan closer, hugging him abit tighter "you wanna talk about it?" Dave asked his son "y-you-. You left- left me-" the young boy stuttered out "what- where did I leave you at?" Dave asked his son very confused "y-you left me a-at t-the local adoption c-center..and said you didn't want me anymore-..." dave's eyes widened at this "tristan..I would never. I love you oh so very much, your my son, even if your not by blood, I wouldn't trade you for are my everything, my whole world, without you I don't know what I would do.." dave said "b-but you h-have mr. B-bambi-" "well yeah but, you are my pride and joy, my little sunshine, my everything, if I lost you I would go nuts.." dave hugged Tristan even tighter, but it wasnt tight enough to hurt him obviously "please don't ever think I'm gonna get rid of you, or anything like that..okay?" Tristan looked up at his father as his father slightly wiped his tears "o-okay p-papa.." dave and tristan kinda just sat there hugging untill Tristan fell asleep again, dave calmly and carefully moved Tristan off of him and onto the bed, tucked him in again, got back into his wheelchair and went back to his room where bambi was sleepin cuddling a pillow, dave moved the pillow and layed down, cuddling bambi again, and soon he fell asleep again too.

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