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The bell rang and Ned darted his glance toward me in an honesty terrifying way.

"Hey Athena, want to sit with me and Peter at lunch?"

"Sorry Ned, I already told Michelle I'd sit with her."

"Michelle? You mean Mj?"

"Is that what she goes by?"

"Yeah haha, she sits with us too."

"Oh okay then."

A grin grew on my face as we left the classroom together. We made our way through the halls. Left, then right, then right again. Jeez this place is confusing. I felt a hand on my shoulder which startled me. My eyes widened, before I knew what was happening I was using my self defense training on... Peter.

I used my opposite hand grabbing onto his wrist hunching it over my shoulder then grabbing with my other arm bending my knees and throwing him forward.

"Oh my gosh Peter are you ok?! I'm so so sorry!"

"What was that for jeez."

"You startled me. My dad's an avenger. He's had me in training since I could walk."

I grabbed onto his forearm pulling him up onto his feet leaving him a little shocked by my strength.

"What's going on losers. And Athena."

"Why not just losers MJ?"

"Because Peter, Athena's not a loser."

"What makes you say that?" Ned asked offended. Crossing his arms and reasoning an eyebrow.

"You did just see her totally beat Peter's ass right."

"She just caught me off guard."

"Sure, whatever you say." MJ said with a giggle.

She wrapped an arm over my shoulders as we makes to the cafeteria, the boys trailing behind us.

The place was jam packed with kids. It made me sick if I'm being honest. They looked like feral animals the lot of them. They all were basically crawling on each other, while the others were just sitting there playing on there phones. A few people where on the floor in the corner, painting looks like.

Michelle or MJ I guess? Guided me to a small round table with gym stuck all along the sides and underneath.

"This is disgusting." I said with a face of pure repulsion.

"Welcome to public high school." A boy said walking past our table.

We made eye contact as he walked away which made him turn back and instantly get excited. Which made me slightly uncomfortable.

"Holy shit. Holy shit. You're Athena Stark. As in Iron man's kid. Oh my god! Can I get a picture with you."

"I'd prefer you not." I said snappy.

"Oh come on just one." He said pulling out his phone and coming closer to me.

"She said no Flash." Pater said looking peeved.

"What is Parker hot shit now cause he's friends with Athena?" Flash said turning his attention toward Peter and giving him a condescending smirk.

"Fuck off dude." Mj said snippy.

"Fine. See you around gorgeous." Flash said kissing my hand before walking away.

My eyes widened. I had Ned, Peter, and Mj's eyes all focused on me.

"Well don't just sit there. Someone got any hand sanitizer? I don't know what type of disease that kid is carrying." I said holding my hand out in disgust.

MJ started laughing and so did Peter and Ned. MJ looked through her backpack and tossed me some hand sanitizer. I used some then took a sip of my water.

I started feeling faint but then I realized. Oh shit. My powers are about to act up.

"I- uh have to uh use the bathroom." I said before basically sprinting out of the cafeteria and outside.

"Friday, what's on the power schedule for today?"

"It appears to be super speed miss."

"Just great." I said sarcastically before my feet started moving rapidly.

I just started sprinting with no way to stop or control where I was going. I felt a pit in my stomach as I started slowing down.

"Friday, text dad and tell him what just happened and to pick me up."

"Yes ma'am."

I stopped in front of the school, taking a minute to catch my breath. I took a couple more breaths before walking back into the cafeteria.

"Athena you alright?" Ned asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"We'll you kind of have leaves in your hair, and your hair um, it's kind of uh, well-"

Before he could finish his sentence Mj cut him off saying,

"Your hair is a mess girl."


Mj grabbed my hand and said,

"Grab your shit. Let's go get you fixed up."

"What about us?" Peter asked.

"See you after school." Mj replied as we walked out.

I felt so embarrassed. How did I not check to make sure I looked normal before going back inside. I should've known better.

"Miss. Stark, message from dad 'Happy is on his way, have your replica you activated to attend your classes.' Would you like to respond?"

"Respond with 'on it' see you in a few." U whispered.

"What?" Mj asked. Crap she thought I was talking to her. I can't act suspicious.

"Oh uh- I said thank you."

"Oh. Don't worry about it. Where did you go anyways?"

"The bathroom."

"That why you have leaves on you?"

"The window was left open."


Shit she was onto me. If dad finds out someone knows about my powers I'm dead. I'll be thrown into homeschool forever. No more social life. I can't have that.

"Message from Happy 'I'm here, let's go.' Would you like to respond?"

"No." I whispered even softer.

I don't think Mj heard me that time. Thank heavens. She started picking off the leaves, getting all the twigs and things out of my hair and off my clothes. Then pulled out a hairbrush. I could tell she was trying to be gentle. It actually reminded me a lot of my mom. When she would brush my hair though, she sang a song. It was a lullaby in French. I never really understood the words, but her voice was always so calming. It was times like these when I missed her most.

The bell rang and Mj was finished only seconds later. Perfect timing.

"Well that should do it until after school. Could you hang out?" She asked bashful.

"I don't think I can, strict dad you know?"

"No worries. See you tomorrow."

"See ya!"

I was flustered. On my way out I made my way to my locker. Turning on my replica me, which dad made invade anything like this happened. I grabbed the headset that went with it and headed to Happy's car. I really hope nobody notices this thing isn't a real person. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I can't just miss school every time this happens. What am I supposed to do?

"Friday. Text Wanda..."

(A/N: sorry for the kind of boring chapter. It's necessary though! The next one will be better I promise haha)

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