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Back to school today. Just great.

It's been 12 hours, 17 minutes, and 47 seconds since my plan took course and I am still not even close to finding out who that man was. The only information I had was his height, what his voice sounded like, and what his suit looked like. The only extra progress I have was that his name is Spider-Man thanks to a good old fashioned google search.

He calls himself the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Don't ask me why. It's some corny shit but whatever, I have no room to judge.

As I was getting ready this morning I had to prepare myself for my family bombarding me with questions. All of which I won't have any answers too.

 All of which I won't have any answers too

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(This was the outfit)

I waited till the very last possible second to leave my room, giving my family no time to react. The second I got a text from Happy I booked it out the door.

Once I got in the car I just sat and stared out the window, clearly not in the mood for a conversation. It wasn't anything against him, and he knew that. Once the car pulled up and I left the car Happy's voice caught me attention.

"Hey kid, we all love you. You know that right?"

"I know. I'm just not really in the mood to be loved right now."

He gulped at my words before giving me a weak smile and speeding off. Mj was at the door and looked distressed. It looked like she hadn't brushed through her hair for numerous days and as if she had the same makeup on for a minimum of 3 days. I was in no place to judge, she hadn't heard from me in a few days. For all she knew I was dead.

Once we made eye contact she whipped her head my direction and a sense of relief overcame her. She sighed releasing all the tension carried in her shoulders.

She ran over to me throwing herself around me in a tight hug. She had tears pricking out of her eyes, so did I. Then a fury overcame her and she gave me a strong strike across my face.

"Don't you ever fucking pull that shit again you hear me?!"

She knew I understood from my face and pulled me in one more time. By this time I was able to look past her, making eye contact with Ned and seeing through my peripheral vision Peter beside him.

Ned started running up to me along with Peter. Once Mj felt the presence of the two boys she let my go. Ned picked me up and spun me around.

"What the hell happened Athena?!"

"I don't really want to talk about it."

They understand what I was playing at immediately and stopped talking.

"Hey, do any of you guys know anything about Spider-Man?"

I looked at each one of them studying their faces. Peter seemed more nervous then he previously did. So did the others, but something was especially bothering Peter by my question.

"W-what no, nothing at all. W-why do y-you ask?" Peter stammered.

"Penis Parker! What do you mean? I thought the both of you were best friends! Hahahahahaha!" Flash mocked.

Peter's face turned red as he sunk in his shoulders stepping slightly behind Ned, he was embarrassed.

"Hello beautiful. What are you doing hanging around these meaningless worms?" Flash said turning towards me and Mj.

"Leave is alone Flash." Mj tested.

"Who was talking to you Michelle? I'm talking to her." He replied, pointing at me while maintaining eye contact with Mj.

Mj looked at me with a worrisome expression as Flash brushed past her, making his way to a few steps away from myself.

"What's your name stunning?"

"Athena, we have classes together."

"I hadn't noticed. Maybe I should start if dames like you are sitting mere inches from me."

"Yeah. Ok. Your welcome to leave now."

"We were just conversing baby no need to get irrational."

"I'd love to continue a conversation with you... after you brush your teeth. Being around your rank breathe is leaving me teary eyed." I said wiping an invisible tear from my cheek.

He scoffed then looked me up and down before scoffing and finally making his leave.

"Bitch." He mumbled as he walked away. Looking back at Ned and Peter it was incredibly funny. Ned looked just as happy and light hearted as usual while Peter looked enraged. But not with me.

"Watch your mouth Flash!" He shouted stepping towards him.

Flash stopped dead in his tracks and chuckles under his breathe hitting his friends hard on the chest.

"Or what Parker? Not like you are any competition. Just look at me." Flash said using his hands as scanners.

Parker took shorter longer breaths until finally...


Peter swung one STRONG punch straight at Flash's nose. A slight crack could be heard followed by Flash crying and running away.

"Holy shit Peter!" Ned yelled proudly.

"That happened on school grounds you idiot you could get expelled." Mj said clearly upset.

Peter pushed their comments aside and he made his way to me, examining me.

"Athena. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm ok I just- wait say that again?"

"Are you ok? Is something wrong?"

"N-no nothing at all."

I recognized it. His voice. But from where?

"Uh- Miss Stark?! Are you ok?!"

Oh shit. Spider-Man.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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