Cece i missed you

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I woke up the next morning with cece beside me, she was already up talking quietly on her phone. "Listen i got to go sky's awake love you mom, bye". I look up and smile at her, "why are you here you weren't supposed to be here until after super"?
"Well i convinced mom to come earlier to surprise you but that didn't really work now did it." I laughed lightly "no i suppose not". She looks at me "come on we have school".
I look at here and sit up " no i have school". She smiles " no we have school, mom transferred me over i moved here bae" she jumps excitedly. So i get up and put on my green skinny jeans and a black tee. We walk out to her car and begin to drive. Cece knows I'm gay which is nice so i can have someone to talk to but still i have yes to tell her about chase and out kiss, maybe later ill tell her first lets get through the day.
I walk into math of course I'm late because I'm really bad with directions so i get lost easily. Mr stringer yelled at me "WELL WELL WELL look who decided to show up
today". Sadly cece wasn't in this class so i had no back up. "Sorry mr.stringer wont happen again i just have trouble finding my way around the school". I say softly. "Well skyler just go sit down, now". He said sadly. So i follow instructions and sit down by James. "Hey douche" he whispered. I looked at him confused did he just call me a douche what the fuck did i do like honestly. So i just shut up and paid no attention to it until after class when he through me up against the locker. I fell to my knees which was not the best idea because next he kneed me in the jaw. I lay on the floor with tears coming out of my eyes, clutching my jaw. I see a blurry cece run up to me and kneel beside me, "who the fuck did this to skyler what the fuck did he ever do to you" she screamed and started to cry. She helped me to my feet and walked me to her car "come on were going to my house". I sat down in the car, she asked who did this to me but i didn't awenser her i just sat there like a five year old boy crying cause he was in pain.

"Who did it tell me right now" i was sitting on her bed playing on her phone i looked down "a guy named James, it don't matter". "Yes it does babe it really does" she replied. "Cece i missed you so much like i thought i was gonna die with out you".
"Very funny your not changing the subject". Hahaha she knows me to well " it was worth a try" i gave her a weak smile. " And i missed you to" she comes over and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Come on lets go get some lunch at the diner down town." She grabs my hand pulling her with me. " Haha okay fine i guess i could eat". But right then and there i started panicking. She stopped " whats wrong skyler". "I-i my dads gonna kill me when i get home i skipped school i don't want him to beat me again or rape me again ". She hugged me close "its gonna be okay skyler don't worry it will be fine right no just worry about getting food in that small ass stomach of tours okay, come on". So i followed her to the diner. "Lets see can i have a steak medium rare with a side if fries, please oh and a pepsi thanks" cece ordered while i figured out what i wanted. "Uh can i have a caesar salad and a coke please and thanks". She smiles at us "wait 10 minutes and your food will be about ready". She walked away "does a salad really take 10 minutes to make". Cece just laughed at me.
"That food was good thank Ce now its time i went home". She looked at me concerned
"Call me if you need anything skyler, and I'm being serious, if he does something i wanna know. Okay". "Okay ce loves ya bye"
She hugs me "love you too"
Now its time to go home and face my biggest fear... The beast... My father.

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