Why is this happening

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James pov

"I don't understand. I lied to Skyler... I guess it's for the best though, I don't need my friends knowing that I have feelings for a boy especially a really fuck in hot boy that I jack off to every night..... shhhhhhh I didn't say that okay .... you all heard nothing. Maybe just maybe I'll tell him one day. No I can't risk my perfect reputation for some little emo fag. Ugh but I can't call him a fag seeing that I like a boy and I'm a boy... wait does that make me a fag?  Or am I just like bi curious? Why is this shirt happening to me??? MAKE IT STOP I HANDLE IT!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! I really gotta stop talking to myself." He laughed and fell on his bed tired from his little rant.

It's just a little short right now sorry I haven't updated in like for ever!!!!

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